1920, ch. 714, sec, 7.
646. The said Mayor and Commissioners of Westernport shall appoint
every year at least two days before the day of election, three judges to
hold elections; said judges shall keep the polls open from 9 o'clock in
the morning until 6 o'clock in the afternoon and shall conduct the said
election in the same manner in which the judges of election are now di-
rected to conduct elections for State and county officials, as far as may
be practicable, after making oath before some Justice of the Peace for
Allegany County that they will only permit those to vote whose names
appear upon the registration lists as duly qualified voters, and the said
judges shall make their returns as to the votes cast and persons elected
at said election, under hands and seals, to the Mayor and Commissioners
of Westernport, and to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Allegany Coun-
ty. Maryland.
1920, ch. 714, sec. &
647. The Mayor and Commissioners shall cause a call for a primary
election to nominate candidates for municipal officers to be issued each
year at least twenty days before the last Monday in March, which pri-
mary shall be held at least ten days before said election and shall receive
the return thereof as to the names of those nominated, who shall by rea-
son of such nomination be entitled to have their names printed upon the
official ballot as candidates for the office for which they were nominated.
The official ballot, which only can be cast at the election, shall be printed
and supplied to the judges of election by the Mayor and Commissioners
of Westernport, and shall be printed as nearly as practicable in accord-
ance with the following form. The date and names to be changed, but
the names of all the candidates for their particular office to be arranged
alphabetically under the proper designation of the office for which they
are candidates:
Town of Westernport, Allegany County,
Election, Monday, March.............
Polls open from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Vote for one only.