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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2319   View pdf image (33K)
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P. L. L., 1888, Art. 10, sec. 239. 1872, ch. 339. 1892, ch. 304.

409. It shall not be lawful for any person, except bona fide resident
citizens of Dorchester County, to take or catch oysters for any purpose, in
any manner, or with any instrument whatever, in the waters of Bramock's
Bay, inshore of a straight line drawn from the end of Hill's Point to the
end of Cook's Point; or in the waters of Cook's Point bay or cove, inshore
of a straight line drawn from the end of Cook's Point to the end of Todd's
Point, or in the waters of Todd's Point Bay, inshore of a straight line
drawn from the end of Todd's Point to the end of Castle Haven Point ;
or in the waters of Lecompte's Bay, inshore of a straight line drawn from
the end of Castle Haven Point to the end of Horn's Point; provided that
the waters of Bramock's Bay east of a straight line from the westward
side of Hill's Point to the westward end of Middlewood's Bluff on Crook's
Point, and the waters of Lecompte's Bay inshore of a straight line drawn
from the end of Castle Haven Point, to the end of Horn's Point are re-
served for tongmen; and it shall not be lawful to take or catch oysters with
scoop, scrape or dredge, or similar instrument in the waters of the Bra-
mock's Bay or of Lecompte's Bay hereinbefore reserved for tongmen.

T. L. L., 1888. Art. 10, sec. 240. 1872, ch. 339.

410. Upon information given upon oath to any justice of the peace
for Dorchester County, of any violation of the provisions of the preceding
section, the justice of the peace shall issue his warrant for the arrest of
the offender, and the seizure of the canoe or boat in his possession, or used
in the commission of the offense, together with the tackle, instruments,
and all things on board at the time of the commission of the offense, or
used or employed in the commission thereof, which warrant shall be di-
rected to the sheriff or any constable of the county, and shall be returnable
within five days from the issuing thereof.

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 10, sec. 241. 1872, ch. 339.

411. The justice of the peace before whom the warrant is returnable
shall docket a case in the name of the State of Maryland against the per-
son arrested and the property seized by virtue of the warrant; and if,
upon the trial of the case, he shall be satisfied that the person so arrested
is guilty of violating the provisions of Section 409, he shall render a judg-
ment, either imposing a fine upon each person so guilty, of not less than
five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or condemning the canoe or boat
in possession of the offender, or used in the commisison of the offense, to-
gether with the tackle, instruments, and all things on board at the time of
the commission of the offense, or used or employed in the commission
thereof, to be sold at public auction for cash by the sheriff or constable
seizing the same, after ten days' public notice of the time, place, manner

*See Art. 72 of Annotated Code for general laws relating to oysters, as some of
the provisions of this subtitle have probably been repealed or superseded by later
general laws.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2319   View pdf image (33K)
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