230 ARTICLE 1.
sued, have and use a common seal, and may purchase and hold real estate?
and other property or dispose of the same for the benefit of the town.
Kiminell v. Westernport, 140 Md. 506.
1920, ch. 714, sec. 3.
641. The limits of said town shall extend as follows: Beginning at the
mouth of the sewer of the upper round-house of the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad Company's shops and running thence north twenty-five (25)
degrees, west four hundred (400) feet to the county road, thence north
twenty-one and a half (21 1/2) degrees, east five thousand two hundred and
fifty (5,250) feet, thence south sixty-eight and a half (68%) degrees, east
forty-one hundred and fifty (4,150) feet to a bounded white oak, thence
south twenty-one and a half (21 1/2) degrees, west five thousand two hun-
dred and eighty (5,280) feet to the corner of bridge pier on the West Vir-
ginia State line, opposite the lower end of Hominy Clandj then up and
with said line to the beginning.
1920, ch. 714, sec. 4, 1922, ch. 85, sec. 4.
642. The citizens of said Town of Westernport, of the age of twenty-
one years and upwards, being citizens of the United States and who shall
have resided in said town for and during a space of six months next pre-
ceding any municipal election shall be qualified to vote at any municipal
election of officers in said town, and the qualified voters are hereby author-
ized on the last Monday in March in the year 1921, and biennially there-
after at the usual place of holding elections in said town, or such place as
shall be designated by the Mayor and Commissioners of Westernport, to
elect one person, who shall have resided within the limits thereof at least
two years next preceding said election, be a qualified voter therein, and
assessed upon the books of the town with property therein to the value of
at least five hundred dollars, as Mayor of the Town of Westernport, and
the said Mayor shall serve for two years and until his successor is elected
and qualified and shall preside at all meetings of the Mayor and Commis-
sioners of Westernport, and shall execute all ordinances passed by them
and shall be entitled to vote upon all matters pending before them, and in
the absence of the Mayor at any meeting of the Mayor and Commissioners,
the Commissioners may appoint a President, who shall have all the powers
of the Mayor, except to sign ordinances; and the qualified voters are at the
same time and place authorized and directed to elect two Commissioners
for said town who shall have resided within the limits of the same eighteen
months next preceding the election, be duly qualified voters at said munici-
pal election and each assessed upon the books of the town with property
therein to the value of at least two hundred and fifty dollars, who shall
serve for a term of two years and until their successors are elected and
qualified; and the said qualified voters are authorized and directed on the
last Monday in March in the year 1922 and biennially thereafter at the
usual place of holding elections in said town or such place as shall be desig-
nated by the Mayor and Commissioners, to elect two Commissioners with