perches to Cambridge Creek; thence north 43 degrees 25 minutes east
26-8/10 perches across said Creek to its westward side; thence north 2
degrees 35 minutes west 17-7/10 perches to the center of Cemetery Ave-
nue; thence crossing Cambridge Creek, on a line parallel with Maryland
Avenue, in East Cambridge, south 68 degrees 35 minutes east 106-8/10
perches to a stone with an octagonal-shaped top, planted in the center
of the county road through East Cambridge, as said road was laid out;
thence with the center of said road and with the line dividing the lands of
John Hirst and William M. Fletcher, north 13 degrees 50 minutes east
156 perches to Choptank River, and on in the same direction to the middle
of said river, then down the middle of said river to a point where a line
north 41 degrees 20 minutes east from the beginning would intersect;
thence with a straight line to the beginning.
The said suburban territory shall be, and is all the balance of the
territory outside of the said lines of the said urban territory and within
the territorial limits of the Town of Cambridge as fixed by this Act.
1927, ch. 573, sec. 42, sub-sec. 1.
41. All of the said urban territory shall be, and is subject to all of the
provisions of the Charter of Cambridge, as heretofore, or that may here-
after be enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, and all of the
ordinances heretofore, or that may be hereafter passed thereunder.
1927, ch. 573, sec. 42, sub-sec. 2.
42. The said suburban territory shall become urban territory and be
subject to all of the provisions of the Charter of Cambridge as hereto-
fore, or that may be hereafter enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, and to the ordinances of Cambridge heretofore, or that may be here-
after passed thereunder, upon the following conditions, to wit:
That at any time, after this Act shall become effective, whenever any of
the said suburban territory reasonably sufficient in extent, and contiguous
to the said urban territory, shall become occupied and used, or built up
and developed, laid out into building lots of a size, and a sufficient number
of them built upon as to make any such section of said suburban territory
become urban territory, in the discretion of the governing body of the
town of Cambridge, then such governing body shall, and it is hereby au-
thorized and empowered to annex such suburban territory to the urban
territory in the following manner, to wit: The said governing body shall
survey and lay down and plot the outlines of any such section, they shall
then give notice, by publishing a description of such section as surveyed,
at least once in each of three successive weeks before a certain day named
in said notice, to be published in some newspaper or newspapers published
in the town of Cambridge, to all people interested, that on said day, unless
cause to the contrary shall be then, or before then shown to the governing
body why said suburban section should not be declared and made urban
territory and annexed to the already existing urban territory, and if no
cause, or insufficient cause be shown, then on said day, or as soon thereafter