'2136 ARTICLE 9.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 9, sec. 160. 1870, ch 294. 1908, ch. 441 (p. 740), sec. 160.
1910, ch. 50 (p. 751), sec. 160. 1918, ch. 126, sec. 160.
232. Each Road Commissioner provided for by this Act shall receive
two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) per annum, payable quarterly, said
sums to be paid by the treasurer of Charles County, upon the order of the
Board of Road Commissioners of Charles County, out of the general fund
provided to be levied for the roads and bridges of Charles County.
1892, ch. 678, sec. 160A. 1908, ch. 441 (p., 740). 1910, ch. 50 (p. 751), sec. 160A.
1918, ch. 126, sec. 160A.
233. Whenever the Board of Road Commissioners of Charles County
shall find it necessary to open an outlet or water-course through private
property in said county, to secure the proper drainage of any public road
therein, they shall forthwith notify the owner or owners of said land,
and if such owner or owners and said Board of Road Commissioners shall
agree upon the value and price to be paid for same, then such consent and
agreement shall be entered upon the books of the Board of Road Commis-
sioners, and such outlet or water-course shall be opened; but, if the owner
or owners and the Board of Road Commissioners of Charles County shall
fail to agree as aforesaid, then the said Board of Road Commissioners shall
have such power and authority to condemn the land for such outlet or
water-course in the manner as is now or may be hereafter conferred by the
Code of Public General Laws of the State of Maryland to the County
Commissioners for the condemning of land for the opening of public roads,
and shall appoint three examiners to go over the outlet or water-course for
such drainage, and estimate the damage to the owner or owners of the land
through which said outlet or water-course shall be run, and make return
thereof to the Board of Road Commissioners of Charles County, which,
upon the tender of the amount so estimated to the said owner or owners,
the said Board of Road Commissioners shall immediately cause such outlet
or water-course to be opened: provided, however, that there shall be an
appeal to the Circuit Court of Charles County, Maryland, from the finding
of said examiners to be filed in the office of the Road Commissioners of
Charles County within ten days after the return of same, and said appeal,
provided bond is given, with such security as may be approved by the Road
Commissioners of Charles County, to pay the cost of same, shall stay fur-
ther proceedings until said appeal may be heard. But no such outlet or
water-course shall be opened so as to pass through the buildings, gardens,
yards, or burial grounds of any person or persons without the consent of
the owner or owners in writing. In case the said Board of Road Commis-
sioners shall find it necessary to obtain gravel or other material lying along
or within three miles of the line of any road of Charles County, for the use
of grading and repairing, they may make such agreement as they may see
fit with the owner or owners thereof for securing the same; and if no
agreement can be made the said Board of Road Commissioners of Charles
County shall proceed in like manner as above set forth for the condemna-
tion, of land for an outlet or water-course.