1892, ch. 678, sec. 160B. 1908, ch. 441 (p. 740), sec. 160B. 1910. ch. 50 (p. 751),
sec. 160B. 1918, ch. 126, sec. 160B. 1922, ch. 127.
234. The County Commissioners of Charles County shall, at the time
of making the annual levy in said county for the years 1922 and 1923,
levy, in each of said years, upon the taxable property of the said county,
the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000), and annually thereafter levy
upon the taxable property of the said county the sum of twenty thousand
dollars ($20,000) for the purpose of paying for the construction, recon-
struction, repair and maintenance of the roads and bridges of said county;
the said sums to be held by the treasurer of Charles County, subject to the
order of the Board of Road Commissioners of said Charles County, to be
by them expended in the construction, reconstruction, repair and mainte-
nance of the public roads and bridges of said Charles County.
1908, ch. 441, sec. 160C (p. 740). 1912, ch. 7, sec. 160C. 1916, ch. 549.
1918, ch. 126, sec. 1600.
235. Immediately upon the passage of this Act, the Board of County
Commissioners of Charles County, Maryland, are hereby authorized and
directed to transfer and deliver to the Board of Road Commissioners of
Charles County by this Act created, all moneys heretofore levied for road
purposes in Charles County aforesaid, and all teams, equipment and ma-
terial which may be in their possession, custody or control, at the time this
Act takes effect, pertaining to, or to be used in, the construction, recon-
struction, repair and maintenance of the public roads of Charles County.
And for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this Act, all
and the same powers in respect to condemnation of land and other prop-
erty for road purposes, now vested by the Code of Public General Laws of
Maryland, in the County Commissioners of Charles County, are hereby
vested in the said Board of -Road Commissioners of Charles County cre-
ated by this Act, to the same extent and in the same manner as heretofore
exercised by the said Board of County Commissioners of Charles County.*
P. L. L., 1888. Art. 9, sec. 161. 1870, ch. 294.
236. If a person shall obstruct, fill up or otherwise wilfully injure the
drains made for conducting the water from the public roads, or shall en-
croach upon any public roads by fences or other obstructions, or dig any
ditch or drain across any road, and fail to keep such ditch or drain well
covered and in good repair for the passage of vehicles over the same, or if
any person shall drain any water into or upon any public road, each and
every such person, for every such offense, shall be subject to a fine for the
use of the county, of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 9, sec. 162. 1878, ch. 324.
237. It shall not be lawful for any person, with or without the consent
of the County Commissioners, to erect, have or keep any gate upon the
public roads of Charles County, and the road supervisors of said county
shall cause all gates to be removed therefrom in their respective districts.
*Sec. 2, ch. 126, 1918, repealed all laws Inconsistent therewith.