2134 ARTICLE 9.
gives notice of said appeal to the justice of the peace within ten days after
conviction before said justice, and at the same time pays the costs in said
case and delivers to the justice an appeeal bond in double the amount of
the fine imposed, with two or more good securities, to answer said case at
the next term of the Circuit Court for the county.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 9, sec. 131. 1884, ch. 463.
226. All fines imposed and collected for violation of any of the provi-
sions of any of the sections of this subtitle of this Article, shall be divided
as follows, to wit: one-half to the informer and the other half to the
County Commissioners, for the benefit, of the school fund of said county.
1900, ch. 413.
227. It shall be unlawful for any citizen of Charles County or any
other person to take or catch oysters in any manner whatever from the
waters of the Wicomico River, belonging to Charles County, from the
15th day of April to the 15th day of September of any year. Any one
violating the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction before any
justice or court having jurisdiction, be fined not less than twenty-five dol-
lars nor more than fifty dollars, and in default of payment be confined
in the county jail or House of Correction for not less than thirty days
nor more than sixty days, within the discretion of the justice or court
trying the case.
(The Charter of Port Tobacco is apparently obsolete, as it has been inoperative
for many years. See Art. 9, secs. 332-157, of the Code of Public Local Laws of 1888
for the charter as then in effect. Also see note under La Plata in this Article.)
P. L. L.. 1888, Art. 9, sec 156. 1878, ch. 252.
228. The Register of Wills of Charles County is required to provide
for and keep up a general index to all wills, bonds, guardian accounts,
administration accounts, inventories, accounts of sales and releases that
may be deposited in said office for record, and to demand and receive
from any person depositing the same, the sum of ten cents for the
special purpose of keeping up and continuing said general index in said
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 9, sec. 157. 18S6, ch. 194, 1898, ch. 284. 1908, ch. 441 (p. 740).
1910. ch. 50 (p. 751). 1918, ch. 126, sec. 157.
229. The County Commissioners of Charles Comity shall have the con-
trol and regulation of the public roads and bridges in said county, in so far
as the same shall not be regulated by the provisions of this Act.