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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2133   View pdf image (33K)
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two dollars and fifty cents; for a boat or canoe twenty feet long and not
over thirty feet, the sum of four dollars; and for any boat or canoe over
thirty feet in length, the sum of five dollars; the fees received by the
Clerk of the Circuit Court for licenses for tonging shall be paid by him to
the School Commissioners of said county, excepting the sum of sixty cents,
which he shall retain out of the cost of each license as his fee for issuing
the same; provided, however, that the sum received from the issuing of
licenses to colored tongers shall be applied for the benefit of the colored
schools of sadd county. No license to tongers shall be construed to permit
the taking or catching of oysters on -Sunday or at night, or between the
fifteenth day of April and the fifteenth day of August, in each and every
year, except for private use; and all oysters taken shall be culled upon
the natural beds where they are taken. Any person violating the pro-
visions of this section, upon conviction thereof shall be subject to the
fines and penalties prescribed in the preceding section.

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 9, sec. 128. 1884, ch. 463.

223. Every licensed tonger shall paint the number of his license in
black figures on a white ground upon the outside of the boat to be used
by him in catching oysters; said figures to be not less than four inches
in length and of proportionate width, and to be painted near the gunwale
on each side of the boat; and no number other than that specified in the
license shall be exposed to view in said canoe or boat. Any person vio-
lating or failing to comply with the provisions of this section shall, upon
conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of not less than five dollars nor
more than ten dollars.

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 9, sec. 129. 1884, ch. 463.

224. Upon information given under oath to any judge of the Circuit
Court or any justice of the peace for Charles County, of any violation of
any of the provisions of any of the sections of this subtitle of this Article,
in said county, he shall issue a warrant for the arrest of the offender and
the seizure of the boat, vessel and equipments, which warrant shall be
directed to the sheriff or any constable of said county, or to any licensed
tongman of said county under said sections, or to any officers of the State
fishery force; and said person, when arrested, shall be taken before said
judge or justice of the peace to answer said warrant, and the boat, vessel
and equipments shall be held as security for the payment of the fine
imposed and the costs of prosecution for violating said provision, which
fine and costs of prosecution shall be a lien upon the boat and equipments
so seized and taken; and if said fine and costs be not paid within ten days
after conviction, said boat and equipments shall be sold to satisfy the
amount of said fine and costs, after due notice given by said sheriff or
constable seizing the same.

P. L. L., 1888. Art. 9, sec. 130. ' 1884, ch. 463.

225. Any person so convicted before any justice of the peace shall have
the right to appeal to the Circuit Court for said county; provided, he


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2133   View pdf image (33K)
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