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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2129   View pdf image (33K)
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offenses under this Act, as in the case of other misdemeanors punishable
otherwise than by confinement in the Penitentiary. And all fines which
may be imposed and collected under the provisions of this Act shall be
promptly paid over by the officer collecting the same to the treasurer of
Charles County to be applied to the Road and Bridge Fund of said
county, subject to the order of the Board of County Commissioners
of said county or to the order of such board in said county as may be
charged with the management of the roads and bridges therein.

1916, ch. 252.

207. In the trial of any person, or any house, company, association or
body corporate, for a violation of any of the preceding sections of this
Act, it shall be lawful for the State to prove that such person, house,
company, association or body corporate, on trial, has or have paid (if
such be the case) a special tax to the government of the United States,
under the internal revenue laws thereof, upon or for his or its business
as brewers or retail dealers in liquors, or wholesale dealers in liquors,
or retail dealers in malt liquors, or wholesale dealers in malt liquors (as
the case may be) in Charles County, for a period of time within which
such violation has occurred, and to prove that he or it has registered his
or its business for said period as such dealer with the collector of internal
revenue for the district of which Charles County shall form a part, and
that he or it made application to said collector to be so registered; and
it shall be lawful for the State in such case to offer in evidence said inter-
nal revenue law relating to said special taxes, and the payment of said
special tax upon, and the registering of his or its said business may be
proved by a certificate of said collector, or any of his deputies, or by the
sworn testimony of him, or any of them; and a copy of the application
of any person, house, company, association or body corporate, for registry,
under said revenue laws, made and attested by said collector, or any of his
deputies, shall be prima facie proof of such application, and the payment
of said tax and the application for such registry shall be prima facie evi-
dence that the party so paying and applying is engaged in the sale of
intoxicating liquors within the limits of Charles County.

1914, ch. 657, sec. 3. 1922, ch. 398.

208. Nothing in this Act shall be held to prohibit the use of wines in
administering the sacraments of the various churches, and excepting drug-
gists and pharmacists conducting business located upon any land in Charles
County which may now or hereafter be owned or controlled by the United
States Government, nothing in this Act shall apply, or be construed to
apply, to a registered druggist or pharmacist holding a permit from the
United States Government to dispense liquor or intoxicating drinks on
prescriptions of regularly practicing physicians, for non-beverage pur-
poses, and any and all duly registered druggists or pharmacists holding
such permits, engaged in such business, or who shall hereafter engage in
the drug business in Charles County, as aforesaid, shall be and they are


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2129   View pdf image (33K)
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