2130 ARTICLE 9.
hereby authorized to buy, hold and dispense within said corporate limits
alcoholic liquors, for medicinal purposes, under the license and authority
of the United States Government.
1914, ch. 657, sec. 4.
209. In the event a majority of the ballots cast at said special election
shall be "Against License," then Chapter 707, of the Acts of the General
Assembly of Maryland, Session of 1906, regulating the sale of liquors in
said Charles County, and all Acts or parts of Acts permitting or regulating
the sale of intoxicating liquors in said Charles County shall be repealed
on and after the first day of May, in the year nineteen hundred and
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 9, sec. 117. 1886, ch. 52. 1888, ch. 64.
210. The provisions of the Code of Public General Laws relating to
mechanics' liens shall not apply to Charles County.
See Art. 63 of Annotated Code for general law.
P. L. L., 188S, Art. 9, sec. 118. 1860. Art. 9, sec. 51.
211. The master or owner of any horse-mill or wind-mill in Charles
County may demand and receive for grinding any quantity of corn or
rye, the sixth part thereof; and if any such master or owner, or the miller,
or the person employed by him in said mill, shall demand or receive more,
he shall forfeit the sum of twenty dollars for each offence, to be recovered
before any justice of the peace for said county as small debts are recov-
ered, the one-half to the State and the other half to the informer.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 9, see. 119. 1878, ch. 323.
212. Executors, administrators, trustees, sheriffs, ex-sheriffs, coroners,
constables and collectors of taxes in Charles County may exercise a dis-
cretionary power as to notices which the laws of this State require to be
given in newspapers, either by inserting them in newspapers or by putting
them up at the courthouse door and other public places in the county.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 9, sec. 120. 1876, ch. 216.
213. All accounts for officers' fees shall be made out in a fair and clear
manner, and in words at length; and whenever any person interested in
them, or to whom the same are charged, shall require a copy of such
account, said officers shall, in as short a time as may be convenient, give