2128 ARTICLE 9.
Charles County the result of said special election, and he shall forthwith
file and record the same in his office. The judges and clerks of said
special election selected and appointed under the provisions of this Act
shall be paid two dollars per day, for the day or days in which they may
respectively serve and any judge or clerk who shall refuse or fail to serve
shall be subject to a fine of twenty-five; dollars upon conviction before a
justice of the peace of said county. In case any judge or clerk shall
fail to serve as such officer of said election the officer or officers of said
election who shall attend shall be and is or are hereby empowered and
directed to fill the vacancy or vacancies by the appointment of a per-
son or persons bona fide representing the same side of the matter in
issue as that representing the person or persons failing to serve as afore-
said; the polls shall be opened at nine o'clock A. M. and close at seven
o'clock P. M. on the day of said special election. The laws now in
force for the conduct of general elections in said Charles County and
for the defraying of the expenses thereof shall apply in all particulars
not herein especially provided for and the said special election shall be
conducted in strict accordance with al] the provisions and requirements
of the Corrupt Practices Act.
1914, ch. 657, sec. 2.
206. If at the said special election there shall be more votes cast in said
county "Against License" than "For License," then on and after the first
day of May, in the year nineteen hundred and fifteen, it shall be unlawful
for any person or persons, corporation, house, company, club or associa-
tion to barter or sell or give away or otherwise dispose of, except as per-
mitted by the provisions of this Act, any intoxicating liquors, and no
license shall thereafter be issued for the sale of any intoxicating liquors
as defined herein in said county or within the jurisdiction thereof; and
any person, or persons, corporation, house, company, club or association,
who or which shall thereafter in said county sell any intoxicating liquors
of any kind whatsoever as hereinbefore defined, or who shall give away or
otherwise dispose of at any time, except at the private home of any such
person or persons, in the way of private entertainment, and except as here-
inafter provided (but no hotel or innkeeper shall serve the same to any
guest in the regular course of his business as such hotel or innkeeper),
and any person who shall solicit or receive orders for the purchase of,
at any time and place within the limits or jurisdiction of Charles County,
of any spirituous, fermented, malt, or intoxicating liquors as hereinbefore
defined, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof
shall be subject to a fine for each and every offense of not less than fifty
dollars nor more than five hundred dollars and costs, or shall be imprisoned
in the House of Correction for not less than three months nor more than
twelve months, or to both fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the
Circuit Court for Charles County, or of one of the justices of the peace
of the State of Maryland for said Charles County, which said justices of
the peace shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the Circuit Court of the