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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2127   View pdf image (33K)
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districts in which the same is respectively to be used, printed immediately
above the fac-simile aforesaid; and no ballot shall be counted which is not
printed as hereinbefore provided and which does not bear the initials of
the judge who shall officiate in the district in which the ballot is cast at said
special election in the capacity of delivering the ballot to the voter; the
said Supervisors of Election shall also furnish and deliver to one of the
judges of said special election on the day preceding the date thereof a
glass ballot box, of the kind used in said Charles County at the general
elections heretofore held therein, in which the said ballots shall be de-
posited by one of the judges at said special election, the ballots cast at said
special election in each election district shall be counted and tabulated and
returns made out at the close of the polls, and the result certified by the
judges and clerks to the said Supervisors of Elections of Charles County
for the purposes of canvassing the same and declaring the general result of
said special election, on Tuesday, the nineteenth day of May, in the year
nineteen hundred and fourteen, at ten o'clock A. M. said Supervisors of
Elections of said county shall not later than the fourth Tuesday in April,
in the year nineteen hundred and fourteen select and appoint two judges
and two clerks for each election district of said county, to serve at said
special election and shall duly notify them of their selection and appoint-
ment, said judges and clerks shall qualify in the same manner as now
prescribed by law for the qualification of judges and clerks of election
at the general election held in Charles County, before the date of said
special election; one judge and one clerk in each of said election dis-
tricts shall be selected and appointed by said Supervisors of Elections so
as to bona fide represent each of the opposing sides upon the question
hereby submitted and in the selection and appointment of such judges
and clerks the said Supervisors of Elections, if required, shall make the
same from a list of four names from each of said election districts, as
presented to them by any organization which may be in the meantime
effected to represent said opposing sides of the matter in issue at said
special election. On the Tuesday succeeding said special election one of
the judges in each of said election districts, who shall be designated bv
said Supervisors of Elections for the purpose, shall convey the returns of
said special election, the ballot boxes, registration books and all unused
ballots to the said Board of Supervisors of Elections, who shall meet as
hereinbefore provided on said Tuesday succeeding said special election,
at ten o'clock A. M., at La Plata, the county seat of Charles County, for
the purpose aforesaid. The said Supervisors of Elections shall then and
there tabulate and count up the return as made by the said judges and
clerks and proclaim the results by publication in two newspapers published
in said Charles County within ten days from the date of the canvass and
tabulation aforesaid; but if for any reason said proclamation of the
result aforesaid shall not be given or not given in the manner herein
prescribed, such failure shall not affect the validity of this Act nor prevent
the result of said special election from taking effect. The said Super-
visors of Elections shall also certify to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2127   View pdf image (33K)
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