2126 ARTICLE 9.
the redemption of the bonds outstanding for said water supply system
as they mature and become payable.
1927, ch. 300, sec. 9.
204. In addition to the present tax which the Town Commissioners of
La Plata may levy, the said Town Commissioners are hereby authorized
and empowered to levy an additional tax not exceeding seventy-five cents
on the hundred dollars of assessable property in said town.
1914, ch. 657, sec. 1.
205. The question whether or not any person or persons, corporation,
house, company, association or club shall be allowed to barter or sell, di-
rectly or indirectly give away or otherwise dispose of, except as herein-
after provided, any spirituous, fermented, malt or intoxicating liquor,
of whatever origin, in said Charles County, from and after the thirtieth
day of April, in the year nineteen hundred and fifteen, (and any liquors
within the meaning of this Act shall bs regarded as intoxicating which
shall contain more than two per cent, of alcohol), shall be submitted to
the registered and qualified voters of said Charles County at a special elec-
tion to be held in said county on Saturday, the sixteenth day of May, in the
year nineteen hundred and fourteen; of which not less than two weeks no-
tice shall be given by the Supervisors of Elections for said Charles County
in at least two newspapers, published in said Charles County, and also by
printed handbills containing said notice to be posted at the most public
places within each, election district of said county; provided, nevertheless,
that if, for any reason, said notice shall not be given or not given in the
manner herein prescribed, such failure of publication of said notice shall
not affect the validity of this Act or operate to prevent its taking effect;
the said Supervisors of Elections shall deliver to one of the judges of
each election district to be named as hereinafter set forth, the registration
books of the county for use at the said special election, in the manner as
now used at other elections. At, said special election each legally qualified
voter, as determined by the registration books as of that date, shall be
entitled to cast a ballot with the words "For License" and the words
"Against License" printed thereon, by making a cross (X) with lead
pencil either in the square opposite "For License," or in the square oppo-
site "Against License," as he may see fit. The said Supervisors of
Elections shall also cause to be printed a sufficient number of ballots for
use at said special election with the words "For License" and "Against
License," printed thereon in bold twelve-point pica type, on separate lines;
with a square or box to the right and opposite the words "For License"
and a corresponding square or box to the light and opposite the words
"Against License"; said ballots shall be printed on opaque white paper,
shall be officially authenticated by a fac-simile of the signature of the
President of said Board of Supervisors of Elections printed on the back
thereof, together with the proper designation of the respective election