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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 21   View pdf image (33K)
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ing of any house, stable, outhouse or building of any kind or description in
Allegany County, outside of the corporate limits of the incorporated towns,
and cities therein, without first applying in writing to the Clerk of the
County Commissioners for Allegany County for permission to build same,
under a penalty of five dollars ($5.00) for each and every offense. The
application for such building permit shall contain the dimensions of the
building for which the application is made, setting forth the character of
the construction, the kind and character of materials to be used in case
of a brick, stone, frame or concrete building, the height, thickness and
kind of foundation and walls and kind of roofing to be used. No charge
shall be made for the issuance of the said permit. The contractor, fore-
man and superintendent in charge of construction shall be considered
"builder" within the meaning of this section.


P. L. L. (1888), art. 1, sec. 23. 1860, art. 1, sec. 8.

56. Any person who shall be found playing at bullets in the public
streets of any town in Allegany County, or any of the public roads therein,
shall be liable -to be presented therefor in the circuit court for the county,
and upon conviction shall be fined in the discretion of the court a sum
not exceeding fifty dollars.


P. L. L. (1888), art. 1, sec. 24. 1878, ch. 57. 1894, ch. 154. 1904, ch. 235.

57. There shall be four regular common law terms of the Circuit
Court for Allegany County held at Cumberland, three of which shall be
jury terms and one of which shall be a non-jury term. The three jury
terms shall commence as follows: On the first Monday in January, the
second Monday in April, and the first Monday in October, respectively,
in each year; and to each of said terms juries shall be summoned and
returned in the mode and manner prescribed by law; and the remaining
term of said court shall commence on the first Thursday of July in each
year, to which no jury shall be summoned; and said court shall transact
thereat any business which may be transacted without the intervention of
a jury; provided, however, when any of the above mentioned days shall
fall on the first day of January, the fourth day of July, or on a day set
apart by the laws of Maryland as a legal holiday, the term of court so
falling thereon shall begin on the dav next succeeding, and writs and
processes and appearances to writs and processes issued out of said court
shall be returnable accordingly; and in the trial of any case in said court
on either the law or equity side thereof, the Judges or Judge presiding
shall have the power and authority to employ a stenographer or shorthand
reporter to take down the proceedings, including the testimony and opinion
of the court, for the use of the court; and the County Commissioners shall
levy such compensation for the services of said stenographer or shorthand
reporter as the court or judge thereof shall approve of.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 21   View pdf image (33K)
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