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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 22   View pdf image (33K)
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1892, ch. 253, sec. 1.

58. The Clerk of the Circuit Court for Allegany County, is author-
ized and directed to re-record in a well-bound and suitable record book or
books, such deeds, mortgages or other instruments, now of record in the
clerk's office of said county, and which have in course of time, become
nearly illegible, as shall in the opinion of the judge or judges of the
Circuit Court for said county require to be re-recorded.

1892, ch. 253, sec. 2.

59. All deeds, mortgages or other instruments when so re-recorded
shall have the same validity and effect to all intent and purpose, as the
original record of said instruments, now has or did have at the time of
their first recording, and that copies of any such re-recorded instruments,
made in accordance with Section 67, Article thirty-five, of the Code of
Public General Laws (1924 Ed.), shall be evidenced and have the same
effect as copies of the original record certified in accordance with said
Section fifty-nine.
1914, ch. 287.

60. The Clerk of the Circuit Court for Allegany County, Maryland,
is hereby authorized to make, a general index of the Judgment Records of
said county from the year Nineteen Hundred to the year Nineteen Hun-
dred and Fifteen, according to the most approved system now in vogue,
of which said Clerk shall be the judge.


1902, ch. 409, sec. 24A.

61. In addition to the first day of each term of the Circuit Court for
Allegany County, now fixed by law, the second Monday in February,
March, May, June, August, September, November and December, in each
year, shall be return days, and the word "return day," whenever used in
this Act, shall apply as well to the first day of each term as to the other
return day herein enumerated.

Betz v. Welty, 116 Md. 190.

1902, ch. 409, sec. 24B.

62. In any suit, when the cause of action is a contract, whether in
writing or not, or whether expressed or implied, the plaintiff, if affidavit
or affirmation be made, as hereinafter stated, shall be entitled to judg-
ment, to be entered by the Court or the clerk thereof, on motion in writ-
ing, at any time after fifteen days from the return day to which the de-
fendant shall have been summoned, although the defendant may have
pleaded, unless such plea contains a good defense, and unless the defend-
ant, or some one in his behalf, shall, under oath or affirmation, state that
every plea so pleaded by the defendant is true; and shall further state the
amount of plaintiff's demand, if anything admitted to be due or owing,


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 22   View pdf image (33K)
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