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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 20   View pdf image (33K)
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of such bridge, then all power hereby granted to the Board of County Com-
missioners of Allegany County to borrow such money and expend the same
shall cease and determine.


1920, ch. 78.

51. The County Commissioners of Allegany County are hereby au-
thorized and directed to erect a bridge over George's Creek at Franklin,
near the Franklin public schools, in Allegany County, and to include in
the next levy for county taxes a sum not exceeding eighteen hundred
($1,800) dollars to pay for the erection of said bridge.


1916, ch. 124, sec. 1.

52. The County Commissioners of Allegany County shall levy at the
next annual levy succeeding the passage of this bill, the sum of $2,500.00
to be used for the purpose of erecting a foot bridge across the Potomac
River, at a point on Water Street at or near Lehigh Street, in the City
of Cumberland, provided that there shall be subscribed and paid prior
thereto to the said County Commissioners the sum of $1,000.000 from
citizens of Cumberland or individuals who may be interested therein, and
provided further that a site or place shall be provided, by said citizens,
on the West Virginia side for the erection of a pier and approaches to said
bridge. The said approaches and pier on said West Virginia side to be
paid for from the said sum of $1,000.00 so subscribed and paid to the
County Commissioners. The other expenses of said bridge to be paid
from any balance of said $1,000.00 and such amount of said sum of
$2,500.00 as shall be necessary for the erection of said bridge.

1916, ch. 124, sec. 2.

53. The said bridge shall be contracted for by the County Commis-

sioners of Allegany County and shall be erected under the supervision of

the road engineer of said County, and shall be placed at such point as to

most conveniently land upon the site provided for the pier and approaches

in West Virginia.

1916, ch. 124, sec. 3.

54. Upon completion of said bridge the same shall be from time to
time repaired and maintained by the Mayor and City Council of Cum-
berland, Maryland, in whom title shall vest after said completion.


1922, ch. 338.

55. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons or body corporate
to erect, construct or build or commence the erection, construction or build-


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 20   View pdf image (33K)
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