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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2094   View pdf image (33K)
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2094 ARTICLE 9.

to the iron bridge over the same at the intersection of said Mattawoman
Run with the aforesaid State road, and thence binding with said State
road to the beginning.

1918, ch. 168, sec. 3.

103. The polling place of said Marbury District No 10, shall be at a
point as near as possible to the site of the present postoffice in the village
of Marbury; the same to be selected a.nd designated by the Supervisors
of Elections for Charles County, Maryland.

191S, ch. 168, sec. 6.

104. The Governor of the State of Maryland and the County Commis-
sioners of said Charles County, are hereby authorized and empowered,
respectively, to make appointments of one justice of the peace and one
constable for said new election district as is now authorized by law; pro-
vided, however, that the appointments of such justice of the peace and
constable, shall not in any manner affect the jurisdiction of justices of the
peace or constables now qualified, or appointed, in the respective election
districts out of which the new election district hereby created is carved.
See sec. 152.


1920, ch. 371.

105. All judges of election and clerks of election of Charles County
when actually sitting as judges of registration or election and as clerks
of election, respectively, shall be allowed and paid three dollars and fifty
Cents ($3.50) a day; fractions of a day shall be allowed and paid at the
rate of thirty cents an hour; and in all other respects Section 18* of
Article 33 of the Annotated Code of Public General Laws of Maryland,
title "Elections," subtitle "Compensation," shall remain in full force and
effect in Charles County.


P. L. L., 1888, Art. 9, sec. 62. 1860, Art. 9, sec. 41.

106. Partition fences between the a.djoining fields of different proprie-
tors in Charles County shall be made and repaired by the parties, respec-
tively, owning or occupying the fields, at their joint and equal expense;
and upon failure of either party to make or repair his respective propor-
tion of such fence or pay his equal share of the costs thereof, he shall be
answerable therefor in an action of debt, to be recovered before a justice
of the peace; but no person shall be so answerable unless the fence, for
the making or repair of which he shall 'be sued, shall have been constructed
of the usual materials and in the ordinary way.

*Sec. 126 of Art. 33 (1924 Ed.) evidently intended.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2094   View pdf image (33K)
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