voter, so stricken off, the words "Stricken Off Because Now a Resident
of the New First Election Precinct," or "of the New Second Election
Precinct," as the case may be; and the Board of Supervisors of Election
shall cause for each of said new precincts a duplicate registry to be pre-
pared by having accurately copied therein the names of all the voters not
stricken off, together with all the entries on such registry relating to each
one of said voters whose names are not stricken off, and they shall label
said copies "Duplicate Registry of the First Election Precinct of the
Seventh Election District of Charles County," and "Duplicate Registry
of the Second Election Precinct of the Seventh Election District of Charles
County," respectively, and the said Board of Supervisors of Election
shall certify in each of the said duplicate registers that said duplicate is
an exact copy of all the names and all the entries unerased upon the orig-
inal, from which duplicate was copied; and the said original registry so
labeled "Original Registry of the First Election Precinct of the Seventh
Election District of Charles County," and its copy, shall thereafter con-
stitute the duplicate registries of the First Election Precinct of the
Seventh Election District of Charles County; and the said original reg-
istry, labeled "Original Registry of the Second Election Precinct of the
Seventh Election District of Charles County," and its copy, shall there-
after constitute the duplicate registries of the said Second Election Pre-
cinct of the said Seventh Election District of Charles County.
1918, ch. 168, sec. 1.
101. A new election district in Charles County, Maryland, is hereby
created and established from parts of District No. 2, now known as Hill
Top District, and District No. 3, now known as Cross Road's District;
said new election district to be known as Marbury District, or as District
No. 10.
1918, ch. 168, sec. 2.
102. The election district so to be created and established shall be
within the following outlines, that is to say:
Beginning for the same at a point on the State road leading from
Indian Head to La Plata, in said Charles County, where said State road
is intersected by a former, or present county road, commonly called and
known as the Carrington Road, and running thence with said Carrington
Road, to the county road leading from Port Tobacco to Pisgah; thence
running with said last-mentioned county road to the county road leading
through the village of Pisgah to Ironsides Postoffice, commonly called
and known as the Johnnie Cake Road; thence with said Johnnie Cake
Road to a stream known as Baxter Run; thence with the meanders of
said Baxter Run, in a westerly course to a stream known as Reeder Run;
thence with the meanders of said last-mentioned run to its mouth on
Chicamuxen Creek; thence binding with the northerly or easterly shores
of said creek and of the shores of the Potomac River, to the mouth of
Mattawoman Creek; thence with the south or east shore of said Matta-
woman Creek to Mattawoman Run; thence with said Mattawoman Run