P. L. L., 1888, Art 9, sec. 63. 1860, Art. 9, ch. 42. 1902, ch. 450, sec. 63.
1904, ch. 398, sec. 63.
107. No action of trespass quare clausum fregit in Charles County
shall be adjudged to be maintained or supported by evidence that the
defendant, or any horse, cow or other domestic animal (other than hogs
or swine) belonging to him passed on or over any waste or unenclosed
land in the said county, or by proof that any such animal trod down or
ate the grass or herbage or rooted up or disturbed the soil or earth on any
such waste or unenclosed land, and the defendant in any such action may
plead the general issue and give the special matter in evidence, provided,
however, that this section shall not be enforced within the corporation
limits of La Plata.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 9, sec. 64. 1860, Art. 9, sec. 43. 1902, ch. 450, sec. 64.
1904, ch. 398, sec. 64.
108. No person shall restrain any horse, cow or other beast (other than
hogs or swine) damage feasant, upon any waste or unenclosed land in
Charles County; provided, however, that this section shall not be enforced
within the corporation limits of La Plata.*
1914, ch 196.
109. All parties owning land in Charles County, bordering on a stream
known as Zechia Swamp between the bridges on the road leading from
Bryantown to La Plata and the "New Town" bridges, be and the same
are hereby required to have as an outline of their land along said swamp
a fence so constructed as to ward off all stock; and if any stock trespasses
upon the property of any land-owner who neglects to comply with the
above, such stock cannot be empounded or held for damages, and any
person so empounding or holding such stock, or turning out same other
than whence they came shall be liable to suit for damages. The land-
owners shall be liable for the neglect of their tenants or emploves in fail-
ing to comply with the above, and only such stock as belongs to the land-
owners or tenants above mentioned shall be construed by the provisions
of this section, +
1906, ch. 511, sec. 1.
110. The County Commissioners of Charles County are hereby author-
ized and directed to levy a sum of money that may be necessary at their
annual levy in April, 1906, and each year thereafter, as a surplus to pay
for the killing of hawks and owls in Charles County.
*Sec. 2, ch. 398, 1904, repealed all laws inconsistent therewith.
+Sec. 2, ch. 196, 1914, repealed all laws inconsistent therewith.
++See 1929 Supplement to Annotated Code, Art. 99, sec. 17, which probably super-
sedes this subtitle.