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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2092   View pdf image (33K)
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2092 ARTICLE 9.

Local Laws, title "City of Baltimore," relating to "Cruelty to Animals,"
shall apply to Charles County as fully as if repealed in this Article.

Secs. 241-245 repealed by ch. 496, 1902. Ch. 198, 1890, superseded said sections.
See Annotated Code, Art. 27, secs. 69-70, and State v. Falkenham, 73 Md. 465.


P. L. L., 1888, Art. 9, sec. 59. 1868, ch. 138.

98. Charles County shall be divided into nine election districts, accord-
ing to their present bounds and limits, in each of which districts elections
shall be held at the place which may be established therein for that pur-

1914, ch. 555', sec. 1.

99. The Board of Supervisors of Election of Charles County are hereby
directed immediately after the passage of this Act, and before the first
day of June, 1914, to divide the said election district of said county into
two precincts, in such manner as in the judgment of the said Board of
Supervisors of Election will be most convenient to the greatest number
of voters in said district. They shall number one of said precincts "One,"
and the other of said precincts "Two." and they shall make known the
boundaries of the said precincts by advertisement inserted in one or more
newspapers of said county once a week for two successive weeks before
the first day of July, 1914.

1914, ch. 555, sec. 2.

100. Immediately after the said Precincts One and Two shall be laid
off and established, as directed in Section 99, it shall be the duty of the
said Board of Supervisors of Election to label one of the original regis-
tries of the said original Seventh Election District "Original Registry
First Election Precinct of the Seventh Election District of Charles
County," and to label the other of said original registries "Original Reg-
istry Second Election Precinct of the Seventh Election District of Charles
County," and then to strike from the original registry so labeled, as that
of the First Election Precinct of the Seventh Election District, the names
of all voters whose residences as recorded on said original registry are
within the bounds of the new Second Election Precinct, and to strike
from the said original registry labeled that of the Second Election Pre-
cinct of the Seventh Election District, the names of all voters whose resi-
dences, as recorded upon the said registry, show them to be residents of
the new First Election Precinct. Those names shall be stricken off by
drawing red ink lines through each of said names, and through all the
entries relating to such name, but in such manner that the original entry
shall remain easily readable; and in the column headed "Remarks," the
said Board of Supervisors shall write or stamp opposite the name of each

*Secs. 60-61 of Art. 9 of 1888 Code superseded by general law governing elections
and election districts. See Art. 33 of Annotated Code.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2092   View pdf image (33K)
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