same shall be paid or for the period of twenty days whichever shall first
occur; provided, however, such person or persons shall have a right of
appeal upon the decision of the justice of the peace, to the Circuit Court
of Charles County within ten days after the decision of the justice of
the peace.*
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 9, sec. 49. 1860, Art. 9, sec. 33. 1892, ch. 569. 1894, ch. 215,
sec. 49. 1910,ch. 163, sec. 49 (p. 747).
75. There shall be five County Commissioners for Charles County un-
til Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1911, after which time
the number shall be reduced to three.
Hawkins v. State, 81 Md. 306. Brown v. Bragumer, 79 Md. 234.
1892, ch. 569. 1894, ch. 215, sec. 49A. 1910, ch. 163, sec. 49A (p. 747).
76. The County Commissioner elected on the Tuesday after the first
Monday of November, 1907, to wit, Marsena C. Gray, shall hold his office
for the term of six years after the date of his election, and the two County
Commissioners elected on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of
November, 1909, to wit, George A. Carpenter and Bernard M. Mudd,
shall hold their offices for the term of six years from the date of their
election. And at the expiration of their respective terms there shall be
elected in said Charles County at the general election to be held therein,
the number of persons as County Commissioners equal to the number
whose term shall then expire, and who shall serve for the term of six
years, or until their successors shall be elected and qualified, +
Hawkins v. State, 81 Md. 306.
1920, ch. 427.
77. The County Commissioners of Charles County shall receive six
dollars per day for each day they shall be engaged in the discharge of their
duties, but not to exceed two hundred dollars per year, and shall be
allowed no mileage.
1904, ch. 507.
78. The County Commissioners of Charles County shall, in each and
every year, as soon as practicable after the annual levy, contract for pub-
lishing, for the period of one year from the first day of July in the year
in which said contract shall be made, all matters required by law to be
published by said County Commissioners, except such matters relating
*Sec. 36, ch. 214. 1929, repealed all laws inconsistent therewith.
++The County Commissioners have been authorized to issue bonds and to levy
taxes to pay interest on and to redeem said bonds, as follows : 1904. ch. 406, $20,-
000 for refunding court house bonds; 1922, ch. 189, $17,000 for refunding bonds.
+All county elective officers are now elected for a term of four years.