2082 ARTICLE 9.
to the registering of voters and to elections, as may be required by law
to be published by the Supervisors of Elections of said county, or such
other registration and election officials as may be charged with the duty
of publishing such registration and election matters in said county, in
two newspapers to be selected by said County Commissioners, and in not
more than two published in said Charles County, bona fide representing
the two opposing political parties which at the last election before the
making of such contracts polled respectively the largest number of votes
cast in said county; provided, said County Commissioners shall not allow
as compensation or consideration for publishing to be contracted for as
aforesaid, nor shall they levy or pay therefor an amount exceeding in the
aggregate for both such newspapers the sum of six hundred dollars in any
one year; and provided further, if the owners or publishers of one of such
newspapers, selected as aforesaid, shall fail or refuse, after reasonable
notice, to enter into a contract for such publishing as may be required of
them under the provisions of this Act, then if there be no other newspaper
published in said Charles County bona, fide representing the political party
of the newspaper whose owners or publishers shall have failed or refused
to enter into contract for publishing a,s aforesaid, whose owners or pub-
lishers shall be willing to enter into contract for publishing as aforesaid,
the contract shall be made for publishing as aforesaid in the one news-
paper whose owners and publishers shall be willing to enter into the
contract; or if there be not, in the judgment of the said County Commis-
sioners, in any year, two newspapers published in said Charles County
bona fide representing the two opposing political parties which at the last
election before the making of such contract or contracts polled, respect-
ively, the largest number of votes in said county, the 'County Commis-
sioners may contract for publishing as aforesaid with the owners and
publishers of such one or two newspapers published in said county as they
may select; and provided further, if the owners or publishers of all the
newspapers that may be published in said Charles County shall refuse,
in any year, to enter into contract with the said County Commissioners
for publishing as herein provided, then the said County Commissioners
may make such publication of matters required by law to be published by
them as in their judgment may best subserve the public interest.
1908, ch. 459 (p. 735).
79. All notices to creditors and all other notices to be given by execu-
tors or administrators shall be published in such newspaper or newspapers
of general circulation in said county as may be selected by the said execu-
tors or administrators, or their duly authorized attorney, as the case may
be; and all notices to be given by the sheriff, in the way of execution, shall
be published in such newspaper or newspapers as may be selected by the
creditor at whose instance the execution was issued or his attorney, or, in
the absence of such direction, by the sheriff.*
*Sec. 2, ch. 459, 1908, repealed all laws Inconsistent therewith.