2080 ARTICLE 9.
1929, ch. 214, sec. 33.
72. The Town Commissioners are hereby empowered to borrow money
for the purpose of public improvements in said town, in such sums as
they may deem proper in their discretion, not to exceed in the aggregate
the sum of ten thousand dollars, such sum or sums of money to be payable
at such times ais the said Commissioners may agree upon with the lenders,
subject to the limitation hereinafter set forth, and to issue therefor bonds
in sums of not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than five hundred
dollars each; each bond to be signed by the president of the said Town
Commissioners and countersigned by the clerk thereof, and all of them
to be issued at the option of the Commissioners and to bear rate of interest
not to exceed six per centum per annum. The interest on said bonds-
hereby authorized to be payable semi-annually on the first day of January
and the first day of July in each year, according to the terms of coupons
to be attached thereto, and the coupons thereon when due, to be receivable
for municipal taxes due to the said town of 'Cobb Island, the said Town
Commissioners to annually set aside as a sinking fund a sum not less
than twenty per cent, of the municipal taxes collected as such during each
succeeding year, until such bonds as may have been issued by said Com-
missioners shall mature, as provided in this or any other previous Act,
when said fund shall be applied to the liquidation and redemption of
the same.
1929, ch. 214, sec. 34.
73. Any person who shall remove, cut down, tear down or otherwise de-
stroy any fence, or any part thereof, or structure used for the purpose of
a fence, or any part thereof upon the premises of another, bounding the
lands of another, along any public street, highway or alley in said town,
whether the same be properly located or not, provided it be not located
upon land owned by and in possession, of the party committing such act,
or his tenant or agent, shall on conviction pay a fine of not less than fifty,
nor more than two hundred dollars, for any such offense, and upon failure
to pay the same, together with the costs of prosecution, shall be committed
to jail to be confined therein until such fine and costs are paid, or for the
period of forty days, whichever shall first occur.
1929, ch. 214, sec. 35.
74. The said Town Commissioners of Cobb Island shall on or before
the first day of April in each year, make out and post at two or more
public places in the said town a full and detailed statement of all moneys
received and disbursements made for the use 'and benefit of the said town,
and for failure so to do, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a
fine of not less than ten nor more than twenty-five dollars for each offense
and the costs of prosecution in the discretion of the justice of the peace
before whom the claim shall be made, by any voter or taxpayer of the said
town, to be recovered before any justice of the peace as other fines and
penalties are recovered for violations of the laws of the State, and upon
failure to pay such fine and costs shall be committed to jail until the