County a concrete bridge for the free travel of the public over Matta-
woman Creek on the road leading from Acton's Crossing in Charles Coun-
ty to Asbury Church in Prince George's County, and the cost of the con-
struction of said bridge including the abutments and approaches thereof
and the securing of any necessary land shall be borne equally by the
County Commissioners of Charles County and by the County Commis-
sioners of Prince George's County, and the said Commissioners of each
of said counties are hereby authorized and directed to levy against the
assessable property of their said counties an amount not to exceed five
hundred dollars to defray their half of the expenses of building said
1916, ch. 484, sec. 2.
29. The Commissioners of Charles County and the Commissioners of
Prince George's County are hereby constituted a joint commission for
the purpose of constructing said bridge, and they are authorized and
directed to proceed to organize as such Commission as soon as possible
after the passage of this Act, and they are further authorized and em-
powered to do all things necessary for the purpose of building a safe and
durable concrete bridge over said Mattawoman Creek at said point.
1916, ch. 484, sec. 3.
30. The cost of maintaining said bridge after the same shall be built
and the cost of keeping it in safe repair and in condition for public use
and travel shall be paid in equal portions by the County Commissioners
of Charles County and the County Commissioners of Prince George's
County; and they are each hereby authorized to levy upon the assessable
property of their respective counties such sums of money as may be neces-
sary from time to time to defray costs in the proportions as aforesaid.
The actual keeping in repair of said bridge during the first five years
of its construction shall be done by the road and bridge authorities of
Prince George's County, and a bill for one-half of the cost thereof shall
be rendered to the County Commissioners of Charles County, who shall
pay the same; for the next five years the actual work shall be done by the
road and bridge authorities of Charles County, and a bill for one-half
of the costs shall be similarly rendered to the County Commissioners of
Prince George's County who shall pay the same, and so alternating each
five years the actual work shall be done by the road authorities of one of
the said counties and a bill for one-half of the costs thereof rendered to
the other county.
1920, ch. 591.
31. The Road Commissioners of Prince George's and Charles Counties
or the duly constituted authorities of said Prince George's and Charles
Counties, as the case may be, be and they are hereby authorized, empow-
ered and directed to erect a bridge, in their discretion, either wood, iron
or concrete, over Swanson's Creek, commonly called "The County Run,"
on the public road leading from Aquasco to Malcolm.