2066 ARTICLE 9.
1916, ch. 445, sec. 2.
22. The said Commissioners as soon after the passage of this Act as
practicable and not later than September 1st, 1916, shall proceed to the
performance of the duties imposed upon them by this Act.
1916, ch. 445. sec. 3.
23. The said Commissioners shall appoint a president and secretary of
their body and shall keep a record of their proceedings, and shall appoint
a competent surveyor and other assistants to enable them to carry out
the purposes of this Act; and that the assistants needed by them_ in mak-
ing the survey and other purposes shall be selected by the said Commis-
sioners equally, as far as may be, from the counties of Prince George's
and Charles.
1916, ch. 445, sec. 4.
24. In surveying and marking the said boundary between the said
counties, they shall, as far as possible, conform to the old line hereinbe-
fore marked and laid ont between the said counties, and for that purpose
may take the testimony of old residents, upon oath administered by the
President of the Commission, as to the course of the old line.
1916, ch. 44:5, sec. o.
25. As soon as said Commissioners or a majority of them have re-estab-
lished, surveyed and marked the boundary line between said counties,
they or a majority of them shall make a report of same, together with a
certified plat of the said survey made out by the surveyor employed by
them, which shall be transmitted by them to the Commissioner of the
Land Office of the State and shall furnish a copy of same to each of the
Clerks of the Circuit Court for Prince George's and Charles Counties,
to be recorded among the land records of said counties, and the report so
made and the line so established by them or a majority of them shall bo
for all intents and purposes the true boundary line between said counties.
1916, ch. 445, sec. 6.
26. The said Commissioners shall mark the survey so made by them by
granite posts every half mile, and all straight courses of less length than
one-half mile, which said posts shall be numbered.
1916, ch. 445, sec. 7.
27. The said Commissioners shall receive for their services under this
Act each five dollars per day for the time actually engaged; the surveyor
the sum of five dollars per day, and other laborers the sum of two dollars
per day.
1916, ch. 484, sec. 1.
28. There shall be constructed jointly by the County Commissioners
of Charles County, and the County Commissioners of Prince George's