five taxpayers, setting forth the fact that such applicant is in indigent cir-
cumstances and worthy of such assistance; and that no allowance to any
one person by said trustees shall in any case exceed the sum of thirty dol-
lars per annum; and provided further, that the said trustees shall provide
comfortable homes, food, clothing and medical attendance for the present
inmates of said almshouse, and such other indigent persons as would have
become inmates thereof, at an annual expense of not exceeding one hun-
dred and twenty dollars each; and after so providing for such indigent
persons and paying necessary expenses for enforcement of this act, such
balance as may remain of the amount levied by the County Commission-
ers for the use of the poor shall be distributed as out pensions to such per-
sons, and in such proportion as the said trustees may determine.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 9, sec. 9. 1860, Art. 9, sec. 9. 1894, ch. 619, sec. 9.
9. The said trustees shall annually, on or before the third Monday in
June, report to the County Commissioners the probable amount in their
judgment necessary for the support of the out pensioners of said county;
and the County Commissioners, at the annual session for making the coun-
ty levy, after the receipt of the report of the trustees of the poor, shall
levy the amount estimated by said trustees to be necessary for the support
of such out pensioners; provided, that the same shall not exceed the sum
of two thousand dollars in any one year.
1914, ch. 31. 1916, ch. 7, sec. 1.
10. The Trustees of the Poor of Charles County, Maryland, aie hereby
authorized and directed to sell said tract of land called and known as
"The Almshouse Tract" of land, and after selling said tract of land, the
said Trustees of the Poor of Charles County, Maryland, after paying all
expenses incurred in making said sale shall pay over the net proceeds
thereof to the County Commissioners of Charles County, Maryland, who
are directed to use said money or so much thereof as may be necessary in
defraying the expense of building the new County Jail at LaPlata, Mary-
1916, ch. 7, sec. 2.
11. The manner of making said sale shall be as follows: They shall sell
the said tract of land by public auction, at the Court House in the town of
LaPlata, in Charles County, Maryland, after giving at least twenty days'
notice of the time and terms of sale in at least two newspapers printed and
published in Charles County, Maryland, to the highest bidder or bidders
for cash; and upon payment of the purchase price, and not before, make
a report of sale to the Circuit Court for said Charles County, Maryland,
sitting in equity, which said court is hereby authorized to take jurisdiction
of the manner of the said sale, and upon ratification thereof by said court
after due notice of its intention to do so by the usual order nisi, convey
the same to the purchaser or purchasers thereof in fee simple.*
*Sec. 3, ch. 7, 1916, repealed all laws inconsistent therewith.