2062 ARTICLE 9.
three persons, residents and taxpayers of said county, trustees of the poor
of said county, who shall hold their office for the term of two years from
the date of their appointment and until the appointment and qualification
of their successors, subject, however, to removal for cause, at the pleasure
of the said County Commissioners; and whenever a vacancy shall exist in
said board of trustees from any cause, it shall be the duty of said County
Commissioners to fill such vacancy for the unexpired term, at their next
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 9, sec. 4. 1860, Art. 9, sec. 4.
4. The person so elected, before acting as such trustee, shall take before
some other of the trustees the following oath: "I, A. B., do swear that I
will duly and faithfully discharge the duties and trusts committed to me
as trustee of the poor for Charles County, to the best of my skill and
knowledge, so help me God."
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 9, sec. 5. 1860, Art. 9, sec. 5.
5. Any person who shall be elected a trustee, and shall wilfully refuse
or delay to qualify as such, shall forfeit and pay for any such refusal the
sum of twenty-five dollars; but no member of the general assembly, clergy-
man, attorney or practising physician shall be obliged to accept said office,
or forfeit as aforesaid for refusing to accept; and no justice of the peace,
or sheriff, nor any one who has not the qualification to be a member of the
house of delegates, shall be eligible to said office; and no person shall be
compellable to serve in less than three years after he has served, or paid
the forfeiture for refusing to serve.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 9, sec. 6. 1860, Art. 9, sec. 6. 1894, ch. 619, sec. 6.
6. The said trustees are hereby empowered, if in their judgment it is
deemed advisable, as soon as practicable after their appointment, as pro-
vided by Section 3 hereby, to rent or lease the county farm and the alms-
house thereon, and to collect the rents therefrom, and to sell the stock and
other property on said farm, and apply the same to the maintenance of
the out pensioners of said county, in addition to the sum required to be
levied for that purpose.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 9, sec. 7. 1860, Art. 9, sec. 7. 1894, ch. 619, sec. 7.
7. The said trustees shall meet at the court house or almshouse of said
county in the first week in February, May, August and November, respec-
tively, and shall be allowed a per diem of three dollars each and mileage
at the same rate as is now by law allowed County Commissioners of said
P. L. L., 18S8, Art. 9, sec. 8. 1860, Art. 9, sec. 8. 1894, ch. 619, sec. 8.
8. Said trustees shall receive and reject or grant, in their discretion,
applications from indigent and distressed persons for out pensions; pro-
vided, that all such applications shall be accompanied by the affidavit of