2064 ARTICLE 9.
1914, ch. 135.
12. Every person, persons or corporation that shall, hereafter, hold in
Charles County, any dance, picnic or other form of amusement or enter-
tainment for pecuniary profit and gain to the said person, persons or cor-
poration, for which no license is now provided by law, shall, before giving
or holding same, first obtain from the Clerk of the Circuit Court for
Charles County, Maryland, a license or permit thereof for which the said
clerk shall charge a fee of ten dollars ($10.00) for each day upon which
such entertainment or form of amusemeint is held, and any person, persons
or corporation, who shall be guilty of the violation of the provision hereof,
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished by a fine of not
less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and not more than one hundred
dollars ($100), and in default of the payment thereof shall be sentenced
to the county jail for a period of not less than sixty (60) days or more
than six (6) mouths; provided, however, that nothing in this Act shall
apply to any such entertainment given or held for religious, educational
or fraternal organizations, and when no other persons or corporation shall
share in the profits and gain therefrom.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 9, sec. 27. 1860, Art. 9, sec. 27.
13. No person shall permit his swine or geese to go at large in the
Town of Benedict; and any citizen of said town may kill or impound any
hog or goose found going at large therein; and if the owner of any hog
or goose impounded shall not within three days after notice in writing,
redeem such hog or goose, by paying for impounding the same the sum
of one dollar for every hog and thirty-seven and a half cents for every
goose, the person impounding may sell the same at the most public place
in said town, and after deducting the penalties aforesaid shall pay the
balance of the proceeds of sale to the owner.
P. L. L., 1888. Art. 9, sec. 28. 1860, Art. 9, sec. 28.
14. If any person shall be sued for impounding or killing any hog or
goose found going at large in said town he may plead the general issue and
give the special matter in evidence.
(All local laws relating to birds and game were repealed by ch. 568, 1927. See 1929
Supplement to Annotated Code, Art. 99.)
1902, ch. 65, sec. 1.
15. Jos. E. Morgan, of St. Mary's County, S. Henry Cox, of Charles
County, and Aquilla T. Robinson, of Prince George's County, are hereby