circumstances of the case; said petition shall be verified by the oath of the
sheriff, and of the deputy who performed such services; and it shall be
the duty of the County Commissioners to examine carefully each petition
and see that the requirements of this section are strictly complied with,
and they shall not order to be paid any claim for extra compensation unless
each and every provision is fully complied with, and unless there is an-
. nexed to each petition, an affidavit of the truth of the matter in it, and
that such extra services were absolutely and indispensably necessary in
each case; and after all the requirements of this section are complied with,
they shall then pay only such sum for extra compensation as shall aippear
to them to be fair, reasonable and proper, and Avhen they are fully and
entirely satisfied after the examination of the petition, and other investi-
gation, if necessary in their judgment, that the extra services were abso-
lutely necessary.
1894, ch. 126.
451. The sheriff of Cecil County shall, on or before the first day of
April, in each and every year, appoint a fit person to act as physician to
the jail of said county, whose duty it shall be to attend all cases of sickness
occurring among the prisoners confined in said jail, for which service he
shall receive an annual salary of one hundred dollars, to be paid by the
County Commissioners of said county.
1914, ch. 309.
452. In any and all cases of sales of property by the sheriff or ex-sheriff
of Cecil County for the purpose of enforcing the collection of any mu-
nicipal, county or State taxes, where there shall remain in the hands of
said sheriff or ex-sheriff after the payment of said taxes and proper interest
thereon and all legal costs and expenses in connection with said sale
and the collection of said taxes, a surplus of the proceeds of such sale,
and it shall be uncertain who is entitled to receive said surplus or any
portion thereof, or some or all of those persons entitled to receive said
surplus shall be non-residents of the State of Maryland, and whether
said person or persons are adults or infants, and whether said persons are
non compos mentis or not, it shall be lawful for any person interested in
or entitled in any way to any part of said surplus to file a petition in the
Circuit Court for Cecil County in the proceedings under which said tax
sale was had, in which petition shall be set forth the facts on which the
interest of the petitioner in said surplus is based and asking that all per-
sons interested in said surplus may be required to come into court to
prove their claims to said surplus, and that distribution of said surplus
shall be made by said sheriff or ex-sheriff to the persons entitled thereto;
and thereupon the said court may pass an order directing that notice of
the substance and object of such petition shall be given to all persons inter-
ested in said surplus by actual service upon them if they are known and
are residents of the State of Maryland, and if they are not known or are