2048 ARTICLE 8.
either of them, if the dogs or sluts by which the damage was done be
known to them, or either of them, shall state under oath the names of
the owners of said dogs or sluts; and when the report of such proceedings,
shall have been filed in the office of the County Commissioners, the said
Commissioners shall review said report, and if in their judgment the
amount of damages stated is unfair, they shall award such amount as they
may deem fair; provided, that before the Commissioners shall make any
award of damages for the killing of sheep, the person claiming damages
shall be required to prove to the satisfaction of the County Commissioners
that he does not know and is unafole, with reasonable diligence, to ascertain
the owner of the dogs or sluts which did said damage; or if the said owner
is known, to prove to the satisfaction of the said Commissioners that it is
impracticable to collect the amount of damage sustained by suit against
the owner of said dogs or sluts; and in case any dog or slut shall be
known to kill sheep, or chase or worry the same, it shall be lawful for any
person to kill such dog or slut; and in case the damage to any person by
reason of loss or injury to his sheep shall be from dogs or sluts, either his
own or kept upon his premises, he shall be entitled to no compensation
under this subtitle of this Article.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec, 333. 1868, ch. 276.
447. The sheriff of Cecil County shall be entitled to forty-five cents a
day for keeping in prison and boarding each prisoner
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 334. 1860, Art. 8, sec. 190.
448. He shall be entitled to fifty cents each for delivering certificates
of their appointment to the trustees of the poor.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 335. 1860, Art. 8, sec. 191.
449. He shall be entitled to eight per cent, for the collection of officers'
fees placed in his hands and collected by him.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 336. 1874, ch. 101.
450. He shall be allowed two dollars and fifty cents for each day's
attendance in person or by deputy, upon the court when it is actually in
session; and the County Commissioners in the exercise of a; careful, wise
and sound discretion, and of a scrutinizing judgment, may also allow him
such further compensation for serving bench warrants and attachments,
during the sessions of said court, and psrforming extra duty, as may seem
to them right and proper; provided, that before they shall order to be
paid to him any money for doing so, other than the fees now allowed in
the code of public general laws, a petition shall be filed with them for
each case, which shall be kept in their office, setting forth accurately and
in detail, the nature and kind of service for which the extra compensation
is asked, the time consumed in performing it, the necessity for such extra
service, the reasons for asking such extra compensation, and the special