1904, ch. 271, sec. 327.
442. If any constable shall neglect or refuse to perform his duty as set
out in the preceding section, the County Commissioners are hereby di-
rected and commanded to remove such constables from office and nominate
and appoint a successor to him who will faithfully perform the duty
1904, ch. 271, sec. 328
443. The constables in their respective districts, as soon as possible
after the first day of September in each year, shall canvass thoroughly
the districts in order to ascertain the number of dogs or sluts therein, and
the owners of the same, and shall make a report of the same to the County
Commissioners of Cecil County, and when any person shall pay to them
the tax on any dog or slut, they shall register the full name of such per-
son, the sex of the animal and amount of tax paid, in a book to be pro-
vided for such purpose by the County Commissioners, and shall give a
receipt to each person for the amount paid.
1904, ch. 271, sec. 329
444. On or before the first day of each month after said tax becomes
due and payable they shall pay to the Treasurer of Cecil County the
amount of the tax collected by them and remaining in their hands, less
twenty-five per centum of said amount, and the treasurer shall place the
amount thus received to the credit of the sheep fund of the county.
P. L L., 1888. Art. 8, sec. 331. 1882. ch. 301.
445. The tax collected from the owners of dogs or sluts shall be de-
voted first to the remuneration of inhabitants of the county for losses sus-
tained by sheep destroyed or injured by dogs or sluts; but if there remain
in the county treasury, to credit of the "sheep fund" on the first day of
September of each year, a sum more than sufficient to pay the awards for
damages to sheep, made by the commissioners prior to that date, such
surplus shall, upon the order of the commissioners, be paid by their clerk
to the School Commissioners of Cecil County, to be by them devoted to
the purposes of education.
P. L. L., 1888, Art S, sec. 332. 1882, ch. 301.
446. When any inhabitant of Cecil County shall have any sheep de-
stroyed or injured by dogs or sluts, he may apply to any justice of the
peace of said county, who shall appoint three disinterested persons as ap-
praisers to view and appraise the damages by him sustained, and they, or
a majority of them shall, under oath, state in writing to the County Com-
missioners the number of sheep killed, the character and extent of the
injury, if any, done to the flock or 'any portion thereof, and the amount of
damages sustained by the owner; and in like manner they shall give a
general description of both the destroyed and injured sheep; and both the
appraisers and the owner of the sheep shall make oath that they believe
the sheep to have been destroyed or injured by dogs or sluts; and they, or