2046 ARTICLE 8.
teaching in Cecil County, and on and after September 1, 1922, the salaries
of said teachers shall be increased to correspond with the salaries provided
in said sections in accordance with said number of years.
1922, ch. 536, sec. 4.
437. The County Commissioners of Cecil County are hereby directed
to include in the levy for the year 1922 and every year thereafter, a suffi-
cient amount to provide for the salaries of the school teachers as herein-
before prescribed.
1922, ch. 536., sec. 5.
438. Every teacher shall be allowed ten days' absence with full pay,
provided such absence was unavoidable,,
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 324. 1882, ch. 301. 1904, ch. 271, sec. 324.
439. All owners of dogs or sluts of the age of six months and upwards,
in Cecil County shall pay to the county an annual tax of one dollar for
each and every dog or slut, and any dog or slut kept or straying about the
premises of any person with his knowledge, whether such person be the
owner or only the occupant of said premises, shall be deemed for the pur-
pose of this section the property of such person, and the tax imposed
by this -section shall be due and payable on the first day of September in
each year.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 325. 1882, ch. 301. 1904. ch. 271, sec. 325.
440. It shall be the duty of the constables of the county in their respec-
tive districts to collect and pay into the county treasury the tax due from
the owners of dogs and sluts in the county, and for such service shall re-
ceive a compensation not exceeding twenty-five per centum of the whole
amount of such tax collected by them to be paid out of such tax.
1904, ch. 271, sec. 326. 1906, ch. 162.
441. If any person shall fail or refuse to pay the tax by the first day of
April in each year, it shall be the duty of the constable on and after that
date to kill the dog or slut upon which said tax is levied, and to remove
the said dog or slut killed as aforesaid from the premises on which it is
found, and to dispose of the body of said dog or slut in a sanitary manner;
and any person opposing or in any way hindering said constable in the
performance of his duty shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction shall be fined not less than two dollars nor more than
one hundred dollars, and shall stand committed to the county jail until
said fine is paid; and for each and every dog or slut so killed aud dis-
posed of as aforesaid by said constable he shall be entitled to receive from
the County Commissioners the sum of twenty-five cents.
*This subtitle probably superseded in whole or in part by general law of 1918,
ch. 497. See 1929 Supplement to Annotated Code, secs. 267-273, for present law.