dollars; for the eighth year and each succeeding year not less than one
thousand six hundred ($1,600) dollars.
Every white teacher employed as an assistant in any public high school
of Cecil County holding a certificate as required by the State law for such
position shall receive the following salary per school year: For the first
year not less than one thousand one hundred and fifty ($1,150) dollars;
for the second year not less than one thousand two hundred ($1,200)
dollars; for the third year not less than one thousand two hundred and
fifty ($1,250) dollars; for the fourth year not less than one thousand
three hundred ($1,300) dollars; for the fifth year not less than one thou-
sand three hundred and fifty (1,350) dollars; for the sixth year not less
than one thousand four hundred ($1,400) dollars; for the seventh year
not less than one thousand four hundred and fifty ($1,450) dollars; for
the eighth and succeeding years not less than one thousand five hundred
($1.500) dollars.
Every white teacher employed as a manual training teacher in any
public school or public high school in Cecil County holding a certificate as
required by the State law for such position shall receive the following sal-
ary per school year: For the first year not less than one thousand and one
hundred ($1,100) dollars; for the second year not less than one thousand
and one hundred and fifty ($1,150) dollars; for the third year not less than
one thousand and two hundred ($1,200) dollars; for the fourth year not
less than, one thousand and two hundred and fifty ($1,250) dollars; for the
fifth year not less than one thousand and three hundred ($1,300) dollars;
for the sixth year not less than one thousand three hundred and fifty dol-
lars ($1,350); for the seventh year not less than one thousand and four
hundred ($1,400) dollars; for the eighth year not less than one thousand
and four hundred and fifty ($1,450) dollars; for the ninth year not less
than one thousand five hundred ($1,500) dollars; for the tenth and suc-
ceeding years not less than one thousand and six hundred ($1,600) dollars.
Every white teacher employed as a "Special Teacher" in any public
school or public high school of Cecil County holding a certificate as re-
quired by the State law for such position shall receive the following salary
per school year: For the first year not less than one thousand ($1,000)
dollars; for the second year not less than one thousand and fifty ($1,050)
dollars; for the third year not less than one thousand and one hundred
($1,100) dollars; for the fourth year not less than one thousand one hun-
dred and fifty ($1,150) dollars; for the fifth year not less than one thou-
sand two hundred ($1,200) dollars; for the sixth year not less than one
thousand two hundred and fifty ($1,250) dollars; for the seventh year
not less than one thousand three hundred ($1,300) dollars; for the eighth
year not less than one thousand three hundred and fifty ($1,350) dollars;
for the ninth year not less than one thousand four hundred ($1.400) dol-
lars; for the tenth and succeeding years not less than one thousand five
hundred ($1,500) dollars; provided that in computing the salaries to be
paid under Sections 435 and 436 hereof, the teachers, already employed,
shall be given credit for the number of years they have been engaged in