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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 19   View pdf image (33K)
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1924, ch. 307, sec. 1.

47. The Board of County Commissioners of Allegany County are
hereby empowered, if they deem it necessary or advisable, to borrow the
sum of forty thousand ($40,000) dollars at a rate of interest not exceeding
five per cent, per annum for a term of years not exceeding four (4) years
from the time such money shall be so borrowed and to use the same or such
part as may be required, as hereinafter provided for the erection of a
bridge across the Potomac River at a point near Kifer, Maryland, and
Paw Paw, West Virginia.

1924, ch. 307, sec. 2.

48. In the event said Board of County Commissioners shall deem it
necessary or advisable to borrow said sum of money for said purposes, the
said Board of County Commissioners shall thereafter in each and every
year until the same is paid retain from such amount of money as may be
appropriated for the use of the Board of Road Directors of said county,
the sum of ten thousand ($10,000) dollars and the further sum necessary
for the payment of interest on any unpaid balance and to apply the same
to the payment of said indebtedness until the entire amount is liquidated.

1924, ch. 307, sec. 3.

49. The power hereby granted shall only be used in the event that a
contract shall be entered into between the Board of Road Directors of
Allegany County and the State Roads Commission of the State of Mary-
land with the proper legal authorities of the State of West Virginia where-
by it shall be mutually agreed that the proper legal authorities of the State
of West Virginia shall pay, bear and expend an equal and like amount of
money for the erection of said bridge and in such contract and shall agree
for the payment of one-half of all monies hereafter necessary for the main-
tenance of said bridge.

1924, ch. 307, sec. 4.

50. Such bridge and its approaches shall only be built under specifica-
tions approved by the State Roads Commission of the State of Maryland
and that no amount of the money hereby authorized to be spent for bridge
purposes shall be expended for any other purpose than the actual cost of
said bridge and its approaches and that the State Roads Commission of the
State of Maryland shall supervise the erection of such bridge and its ap-
proaches and shall not charge any part of its expenses as against the said
fund hereby authorized, and in the event the said State Roads Commission
shall refuse to enter into an agreement with the County Commissioners of
Allegany County and the Board of Road Directors of Allegany County to
supervise the erection of such bridge and its approaches as set forth herein,
or in the event said proper legal authorities of the State of West Virginia
shall refuse to. enter into such agreements for the erection and maintenance


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 19   View pdf image (33K)
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