1930 ARTICLE 8.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. S. sec. 18. 1S84, ch. 13. 1888, ch. 298.
18. The County Commissioners at their annual session for making the
county levy shall, upon the receipt of the report of said trustees, levy the
amount estimated by the trustees, if in the judgment of said Commission-
ers the amount so estimated be necessary for the support of the almshouse
and insane asylum and inmates; and the said trustees shall not in any
one year expend or make contracts to expend a sum greater than the
amount of money so levied by the Commissioners.
P. L. L., 18S8, Art. 8. sec. 19. 1884, ch. 13. 1888, ch. 298.
19. All the funds of the said almshouse and insane asylum, and all
sums of money levied by the County Commissioners for the relief and
support of the poor and insane, and all money arising from the sale of
any of the property under the control of said trustees, or from any other
source whatever, shall be deposited with the Treasurer of Cecil County,
and shall be paid out by the said treasurer upon the warrant of the said
trustees, as provided by Section 17 hereof.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. S, sec. 20. 1884, ch. 13. 188, ch. 288.
20. The said trustees may pay the secretary selected under Section
14 hereof, a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars per annum as a
salary, and so pro rata during his cor.tinuance in office.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 21. 1884, oh. 13. 1888, ch. 298. 1S9'0, ch. 3, sec. 21.
21. The said trustees shall be entitled to three dollars per day for each
day they shall attend to the discharge of their duties as such.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 22. 1884, ch. 13. 1888, ch. 298.
22. No clergyman, attorney at law, or practising physician shall be
obliged to accept the office of trustee of the poor and insane; and no jus-
tice of the peace or sheriff, or any one who has not the qualification to be
K member of the General Assembly shall be eligible as a trustee.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 23. 1884, ch. 13. 1888, ch. 298. 1890, ch. 3, sec. 23.
23. The said trustees shall annually, in the month of February in each
year appoint an overseer of the almshouse and insane asylum, such ap-
pointment to take effect on the twenty-fifth day of March next ensuing,
and shall within five days after such appointment, inform the overseer
thereof; the said trustees may appoint such nurses, attendants and assist-
ants to the overseer and employ such laborers and upon such terms as they
may deem proper.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 24. 1884, ch. 13. 1888, ch. 298.
24. They may remove such overseer at their discretion, and shall give
him ten days' notice of his discharge