1928 ARTICLE 8.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 8. 1884, ch. 13. 1888, ch. 298. 1890, ch. 3, sec. 8.
8. Vacancies happening by non-acceptance, death, resignation, removal
out of the county, or disqualification of any of the said trustees from any
cause, shall be filled by the County Commissioners.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 9. 1884, ch. 13. 1888, ch. 298. 1890, ch. 3, sec. 9.
9. The said trustees shall meet at the almshouse of the county within
ten days after their appointment, and qualify as trustees by taking the
following oath: "I, A. B., do swear that I will duly and faithfully dis-
charge the duties and trusts committed to me as a trustee of the poor and
insane of Cecil County, to the best of my skill and knowledge, so help me
God;" which oath may be administered by any justice of the peace of
Cecil County, or by any one of the three trustees to the others, any one
of whom being sworn may administer the same to him.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 10. 1884, ch. 13. 1888, ch. 298. 1890, ch. 3, sec. 10.
10. No trustee shall be either directly or indirectly interested in any
contract made by the said trustees, and no trustee shall directly or indi-
rectly furnish supplies of any description for the use of the almshouse or
insane asylum, and if any trustee should do so, upon sufficient evidence
of the fact being offered to the County Commissioners, it shall be their
duty forthwith to remove said trustee from office, and he shall forfeit for
the use and benefit of the almshouse and insane asylum whatever supplies
he may have furnished.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 11. 1884, ch. 13. 1888, ch. 298.
11. The trustee so appointed and qualified, and their successors, are
invested as a body politic with full power to sue and be sued by the name
cf "The Trustees of the Poor and Insane of Cecil County," and by that
name they and their successors shall take, hold, possess and enjoy all the
property, real, personal and mixed, held by the trustees of the poor for
Cecil County, or by the Commissioners of Cecil County for the use and
benefit of the poor and insane of said county, and shall take, hold and
possess any gift, donation or present which shall be given, devised or
bequeathed by any person to them for or towards the support and main-
tenance of the poor and insane of said county; and they may purchase
and hold and enjoy, to them and their successors, forever, any lands, tene-
ments or hereditaments for the use and benefit of the poor and insane of
Cecil County.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 12. 1884, ch. 13. 1888, ch. 298.
12. The said trustees may use one common seal, and the same, if neces-
sary, may change and alter.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 13. 1884. ch. 13. 1888, ch. 298. 1890, ch. 3, sec. 13.
13. A majority of said trustees stall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business; the said trustees shall meet at the almshouse on