P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 5. 1888. ch. 138.
5. The said president, vice-president or managers, or any of them, are
authorized and empowered to discharge and dismiss at any time any one
or more of the special constables aforesaid, on account of a refusal or fail-
ure, for any cause, to perform any duty imposed by or in accordance with
this sub-title of this Article; and any special constable so discharged and
dismissed shall forfeit and lose part or all of his per diem or wages due
to him from the said society for any service as special constable aforesaid,
at the discretion of the aforesaid managers.
P. L. L, 1888, Art. 8, sec. 6. 1888, ch. 138.
6. No person to whom the said society shall grant the privilege of bar-
tering or selling any goods, chattels, wares or merchandise within the
grounds of said society during any exhibition or fair, or to whom the said
society shall grant the privilege of exhibiting any lawful games, show or
performance within the grounds aforesaid during any exhibition or fair,
shall be required to take out any license from or pay any fee or reward
to the State of Maryland or said county for or on account of such privi-
lege; provided, the said society shall annually pay to the Board of School
Commissioners of said county the sum of twenty-five dollars for the use
of the public schools in said county.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 7. 1884, ch. 13. 1888, ch. 298. 1890, ch. 3, sec. 7.
7. On the second Tuesday in February, eighteen hundred and ninety,
the County Commissioners of Cecil County shall appoint three discreet
and competent persons, residents of said county, not more than two of
whom shall be adherents of the same political party, trustees of the poor
and insane of Cecil County, for the following terms: one trustee to serve
for six years, one for four years, and one for two years, from the second
Tuesday of January, eighteen hundred and ninety, and until their suc-
cessors are appointed and qualified, and should any person appointed by
the County Commissioners fail or neglect to qualify for thirty days, the
County Commissioners shall fill the vacancy, conforming, however, to the
conditions for the first selection of trustees. On the second Tuesday of
January in every second year, accounting from the year eighteen hundred
and ninety-two, the County Commissioners of Cecil County shall appoint
one trustee of the poor and insane of Cecil County to serve for six years
from the date of his appointment, and until his successor shall have been
appointed and qualified, and all appointments shall be subject to the re-
striction that not more than two of said trustees shall be adherents of the
same political party; the said trustees, or any of them, may be removed
at any time by the County Commissioners for any violation of law or neg-
lect of duty; provided, that such cause for removal shall in every case be
first communicated in writing to the trustee so removed by the County