1926 ARTICLE 8.
regulations aforesaid, during any fair or exhibition of said society, and
during such period thereafter, or prior thereto, as may be necessary for
the protection thereof, and upon and around the grounds belonging to or
controlled or used by the said society, which detailed force shall have and
exercise, in addition to the special power and authority conferred on them
by this sub-title of this Article, the same powers and authority as the
several constables in the State now have as conservators of the peace.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 2. 1888, ch. 138.
2. Any person who shall knowingly and wilfully violate any of the pro-
visions of the preceding section, or any of the by-laws, rules and regula-
tions, or other enactments of the said society, not inconsistent with the
laws of this State, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con-
viction thereof before any justice of the peace of said county, each and
every person so offending shall be fined by said justice of the peace a sum
not less than one dollar and costs, nor more than five dollars and costs, for
the first offense, and not less than five dollars and costs, nor more than
twenty dollars and costs, for each and every offense committed thereafter;
and upon the failure of any person to pay the said fines and costs, the jus-
tice of the peace before whom the same shall be tried shall commit him to
the county jail in said county until said fines and costs are paid.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 3. 1888, ch. 138.
3. All fines imposed and collected under and in accordance with Sec-
tion 2, shall be paid to the Board of School Commissioners of Cecil Coun-
ty, for the use and benefit of the public schools therein.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 4. 1888, ch. 138.
4. All persons summoned and detailed in accordance with Section 1
shall be known, recognized and respected as "special constables," and shall
have full power and authority and jurisdiction in the discharge of their
several duties within the fair grounds and other enclosures belonging to
and controlled and used by the said society, and also within the distance,
of one-half mile beyond and surrounding said grounds and enclosures;
and the said special constables shall arrest all disorderly persons within
their jurisdiction whom they shall find disturbing the peace in any man-
ner, interrupting the conduct and progress of any fair or exhibition of
said society, or violating any of the provisions of this sub-title of this
Article, or the by-laws, rules and regulations of the said society, and shall
take the said violators before some justice of the peace of said county to
be tried and fined in accordance with Section 2; and the said special con-
stables and justices of the peace shall receive for issuing and serving all
processes under this section the same fees that the said justices of the
peace and the constables of said county are now entitled to receive for like