Agricultural Society of Cecil
County.................. 16
Almshouse....................... 7-34
Ammunition....... ............. 35-36
Auctions..... ................. 37 44
Bills of Exchange and Promis-
sory Notes ............... 45
Birds and Game ...............
Bridges....... .................. 46-54
Cecilton....................... 55-79
Charlestown....... ............. 80-84
Chesapeake City .............. 85-111
Circuit Court ................ 112 125
Court Stenographer ........ 115-117
Crier and Bailiff............. 118-120
Law Library ............... 121 125
County Commissioners ........ 126-153
Board of Estimates .......... 142 153
County Treasurer ............ 154—160
Crimes and Punishments....... 161 164
Fraud on Livery Stable
Keepers....... ............. 161
Gaming..................... 162
Pigeons....... ................ 163-164
Cruelty to Animals............. 165
Election Districts ............. 166-168
Fences....... .................. 210 213
Fish......... ...................
Foxes....... ................... 214-218
Hospital. ................... 219
Incorporated Towns .......... 220
Jurors....... ................... 221 228
Justices of the Peace and Con-
stables....... .............. 229-238
Police Justice .............. 233-238
License to Sell Carriages Not
Made in this State......... 239 241
Liquor and Intoxicating Drinks. 242-282
Minors...... ................. 283-285
Northeast....... ................ 286-323
Orphans' Court .............. 324-325
Perryville..... ................ 326-351
Port Deposit ................. 352-378
Railroads. ... ............... 379-386
Register of Wills ............. 387-388
Rising Sun ................... 389 418
Roads..... ................... 419-430
Schools... ................... 431 438
Teachers — Salaries........... 434-438
Sheep and Dogs ............... 439-446
Sheriff....................... 447 452
State's Attorney .............. 453-454
Supervisor of Assessments ..... 455
Swine........................ 456 459
Wild Fowl ....................
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 8, sec. 1. 1888, ch. 138.
1. For the purpose of preserving order, enforcing the rules and regula-
tions of the agricultural society of Cecil County, not inconsistent with the
laws of this State, and for the protection of property, the several justices
of the peace in Cecil County are authorized and empowered, upon the re-
quest of the president, vice-president, or any of the managers of said soci-
ety, to summon and detail, in the name of the State of Maryland, such
constabulary force as the president, vice-president or managers of said
society may deem sufficient for the perfect preservation of peace and
order, the protection of property, and the full enforcement of the rules and