1908 ARTICLE 7.
dated Public Utilities Company of Westminster, its successors or assigns,
shall name the second arbitrator, and the two arbitrators thus appointed
shall name the third arbitrator on their appointment and before any hear-
ing is begun. If any arbitrator appointed as aforesaid shall die, refuse to
act, or be disqualified, the vacancy so occasioned shall be filled by the ap-
pointment of an arbitrator in the same manner as the one so dying, refusing
to act or disqualified was appointed.
1910, ch. 341, sec. 229 (p. 693).
539. Every arbitrator so appointed shall, before he enters upon the
duties of such office, take and subscribe to the following oath or affirmation
before the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Carroll County: "That I will,
to the best of my judgment and skill, diligently and faithfully, without
partiality or prejudice, execute the office of arbitrator and perform its
duties imposed by my appointment; and that I will not, directly or indi-
rectly, receive any reward or compensation for the discharge of said duties
except as may be agreed upon by the Mayor and Common Council of
Westminster and the Consolidated Public Utilities Company of Westmin-
ster"; and every arbitrator shall qualify by taking this oath or affirmation
as herein provided within ten days from the date of his appointment; and
his failure to so qualify shall disqualify him within the meaning of the last
preceding section.
1910, ch. 341, sec. 230 (p. 693).
540. They shall have power to provide for laying out, opening and
extending, or widening or closing, straightening, in whole or in part, any
street, alley or square in the city, and may fix the dimensions thereof which
in their judgment the public welfare or convenience may require; to pro-
vide for ascertaining whether any, and if so, what amount in damage will
be caused thereby for which the owner of possessor of any property through
or over which such street or alley may pass or square or park may lie, ought
to be compensated and paid; and for assessing and laying either generally
on the whole assessable property within the city or specially on the property
of persons specially benefited by such improvement, the whole or any part
of the damages and expenses which may be incurred in laying out, opening,
extending, straightening or widening such street, lane or alley, square or
park; to provide (in case they shall determine to levy and assess the whole
or any part of said damages and expenses upon the owners of the property
in the city specially benfited by such improvement) for the appointment
amongst them of the amount of such damage and expenses so determined,
to be levied upon them in due proportion to the amount of benefits by them,
respectively, received; to provide for the appointment of commissioners to
assess said damages and benefits and prescribe their duties and compensa-
tion ; to provide for the condemnation of all land and property so taken for
public use in opening, extending, straightening or widening, in whole or
in part, any street, lane or alley as aforesaid, and for the notice to be given