days, or until the fine be paid; provided that no greater sum than one
hundred dollars be charged for any one license.
1910, ch. 341, sec. 226 (p. 692).
536. The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster may contract
with any corporation, firm or person for the lighting of the city either
with electric, gas or by such other means as they may deem proper; and
for water for use for extinguishing fires or for other city purposes; pro-
vided, no such contract shall be for a longer period than ten years; and
the said Mayor and Common Council of Westminster are hereby author-
ized and directed to annually levy a special tax upon the property sub-
ject to assessment in the city of Westminster suificient to pay for such
light or water, whether now or hereafter contracted for; and the said
special tax so levied shall be collected as the other taxes are collectible,
and the surplus, if any, of such special tax shall be annually carried for-
ward to the account of this fund for the succeeding year, and at the expira-
tion of any such contract the balance shall go into the general funds of
the City of Westminster.
Water Co. v. Westminster, 98 Md. 551.
1910, ch. 341, sec. 227 (p. 692).
537. The present rates of the Consolidation Public Utilities Company
of Westminster for supplying water, gas and electric light to the City of
Westminster and to the inhabitants thereof shall not be hereafter in-
creased without the consent of the Mayor and Common Council of West-
minster being first given; and if the Mayor and Common Council of
Westminster will not consent to any proposed increase in rates by the
Consolidated Public Utilities Company of Westminster, its successors
or assigns, then the matter of such increase of rates shall be submitted
to three arbitrators to decide (first) if any proposed increase in rate
should be made, and, if said arbitrators decide an increase in any such
rate should be made, (second) to determine what would be a fair and
reasonable increased rate; and the decision of said arbitrators shall be
binding and effective on the Mayor and Common Council of Westminster
and the said Consolidated Public Utilities Company of Westminster, its
successors and assigns, and may be enforced by any proceeding at law
or in equity or by ordinance of the Mayor and Common Council.
Westminster v. Consolidated Pub. Utilities Co., 132 Md. 374.
1910, ch. 341, sec. 228 (p. 693).
538. And the said three arbitrators shall be residents and qualified
voters of the city of Westminster, at least thirty years of age, and owners
of assessed property within the corporation limits of Westminster to the
amount of at least $1,000; and the said Mayor and Common Council of
Westminster shall name one of said arbitrators and the said The Consoli-