in relation thereto; to provide for the payment of the damages so awarded,
and for the mode of payment, and collection of the benefits so determined
to be assessed; and to pass all ordinances necessary and proper to the
exercise and enforcement of the powers granted in this section; provided,
however, that no land or property shall be taken under the powers given in
this section without just compensation being first paid or tendered to the
party entitled to such compensation, as agreed on with the owners of such
property or awarded by a jury summoned for the purpose by the sheriff
of Carroll County, in the mode and at the time prescribed by said Mayor
and Common Council; and provided further, that provision is made in all
such ordinances for reasonable notice to the person whose land is to be
condemned or against whom benefits are to be assessed, with the right of
appeal to the Circuit Court for Carroll County by any and all persons
interested, including the Mayor and Common Council, from the decision of
the jury of condemnation, or persons appointed or authorized to assess such
damages or benefits.
Carroll Co. v. Westminster, 123 Md. 198
1910, ch. 341, sec. 231 (p. 694).
541. The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster shall have the
power to provide by ordinance for the grading, paving and curbing, or the
regrading, repaving and recurbing, of any street, alley and lane, or part
thereof, in the corporate limits of said city of Westminster, now con-
demned, ceded or opened as a public highway, or which hereafter may be
condemned, ceded, opened, widened, straightened or altered, according to
the ordinances regulating the same; to lay flag-stones across said streets,
alleys and lanes, whenever necessary; to provide of what material the
streets, alleys and lanes, sidewalks, gutters and curbs, in said city, shall be
paved and curbed, and how the same shall be done and kept in good repair.
They may pass all ordinances necessary for grading and regrading, paving,
repaving and repairing of the streets, alleys, lanes and footways of the said
city; and compel, by fine or otherwise, the owner or proprietor of any lot
to pave or repave, grade or regrade or repair the footways, curbs and gut-
ters fronting thereon, at the expense of said proprietor or owner, in whole
or in part; and if any proprietor or owner of a lot shall neglect to grade and
pave, or repave or repair the footways and gutters of said lot, within thirty
days after notice has been given by the Mayor or Street Commissioner of
said city, either by publication in a newspaper in the city of Westminster
not less than four consecutive times, or by service of the said notice on the
proprietor or owner, requiring the same to be done, the Mayor and Common
Council may direct the Street Commissioner to cause the same to be done
at the expense of the owner or proprietor of said lot, which expense, to-
gether with an addition thereto of ten per cent, for the expense of collection,
shall be a lien on said property until paid, and shall be collected by the
tax collector of said city in the same manner that ordinary taxes are col-