1906 ARTICLE 7.
be certified by the State Board of Health, after proper analysis, to be
polluted; and to pass ordinances for the quarantine and regulation of
all communicable diseases, not inconsistent with the laws of this State
or with the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health; and its
officers may enter upon and into any private property or building when-
ever necessary to execute or enforce any such ordinance.
1910, ch. 341, sec. 225 (p. 691). 1927, ch. 249.
535. The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster shall have full
power and authority to regulate and provide for the issuing of licenses
or permits for all hawking, peddling and vending of patents, and of goods,
wares and merchandise of every description, upon the streets, lanes, alleys
or highways of the City of Westminster; to issue licenses or permits to
all itinerant peddlers who may go from house to house to vend or sell any
goods, wares or merchandise; to issue licenses to any and all persons
entering into or beginning any transient business in said city, for the sale
or purchase of any goods, wares or merchandise; to impose a license upon
all fire insurance companies, and agencies located in or doing business in
said city; to regulate and provide for the issuing of licenses to all travel-
ing persons or peddlers who dispenses medicines or medical advice; to reg-
ulate, license and tax restaurants or lunch rooms, ice cream parlors and
soda water fountains; to regulate, license and tax all business conducted
in said city for the transportation or carriage of passengers for hire, and
license and tax the business of transporting, carrying or delivering
freight, goods, wares or merchandise within said city, and may provide
for the numbering of the vehicles engaged in such business, and may base
said license upon the number of vehicles so employed or used by any firm,
person or individual in the conduct of such business; to regulate and
license all pawnbrokers, junk dealers, fire sales and aiiction sales; to regu-
late and license all nine and ten pin alleys, bowling alleys, skating rinks,
theatres, moving picture parlors, boxing and sporting matches, wrestling
contests and all shows and exhibitions) of every kind; to license or tax
the erection of poles and use thereof by telephone, telegraph, electric light
or other companies; to license all billiard, pool and bagatelle tables kept
for public use; to license dogs and to provide for the killing of those
going at large unlicensed; and generally, in addition to the powers to
license hereinbefore particularly enumerated, to have the same power
which the State of Maryland has to license, tax and regulate all trades,
business avocations and professions conducted or carried on within the
corporate limits of Westminster; and may pass all ordinances necessary
from time to time to carry out the foregoing provisions, and enforce the
observance of such ordinances by reasonable fines and penalties, not ex-
ceeding one hundred dollars in any one case; and they may recover said
fine or penalty by action of debt, and in addition thereto they may pro-
vide for the imprisonment of the offender for a period not exceeding sixty