and by resolution or ordinance, pledge and devote the revenue derived
from said tax, as security for the payment of any sum of money con-
tracted by it to be paid for such motor fire truck, fire engine or fire equip-
ment for such period of time as may be necessary; after the payments
for said motor fire truck, fire engine or fire equipment hereby authorized
to be purchased shall be completed, the said Mayor and Common Council
shall annually levy the whole or any part of said special tax of five cents
on the one hundred dollars, as it may deem advisable or necessary, to
properly maintain and equip the Volunteer Fire Company of Westmins-
ter, or to aid and assist in maintaining it.
1918, ch. 483, sec. 223B.
533. The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster, in addition
to the powers already possessed by it, shall have the right and power to
acquire by condemnation any land, improvements, rights of way, waters,
water courses or other property of any kind whatsoever, whether used for
private purposes or already devoted to a public use, or any interest therein,
which it may require for an engine house or house, or other fire purposes,
sewers, culverts, drains, markets, parks, squares and other public places;
or which it may require for streets, roads, footways, lanes, alleys, high-
ways or bridges, including the laying out, opening, extending, widening,
straightening and closing up of the same in whole or in part; or which it
may require for any other public or municipal purpose. In all condem-
nation cases instituted by it for any purpose, the procedure followed shall
be the method provided and prescribed by Article 33A of the Code of
Public General Laws of this State.
1910, ch. 341, sec. 224 (p. 691).
534. The Mayor and Common Council shall have power to provide
by ordinance for the construction, opening, enlarging or straightening of
any sewer or drain and for regulation of the same; for paving and keep-
ing in repair all necessary sewers and drains or gutters; to provide by
ordinances for the purchase and condemnation of private or public prop-
erty, as is now provided in this Act for the condemnation and opening
of streets in said city, for the purpose of paving, building and maintain-
ing any sewer or drain for surface water in said city; they are empow-
ered to by ordinance regulate and prohibit cesspools, earth pits and other
means of sewage disposal; to regulate or exclude places where offensive
trades or any offensive occupation is conducted or engaged in; to regulate
or exclude pig pens within the corporate limits; to pass ordinances gov-
erning the disposal of garbage or refuse; to regulate or exclude slaughter
houses within the corporate limits; to pass ordinances to close polluted
wells, springs and other sources of water supply when such sources shall