1902 ARTICLE 7.
and the collector sells it, two weeks notice of the sale must be given in a
newspaper published in Westminster, and the proceedings shall conform as
nearly as possible, after said sale, to those required by law of tax collectors
in Carroll County, the sale being reported for ratification to the Circuit
Court for Carroll County in equity; they may also require said collector
or collectors to inform himself or themselves annually of all the property
in the corporate limits liable to assessment which may have been omitted
in the last assessment, and of all buildings and improvements made, and of
all property acquired since said assessment, and appraise said property 'at
its cash value, and return the same to the Mayor and Common Council
at the time and in the manner to be prescribed by them; and the same shall
be assessed to the proper parties, after giving them reasonable notice of
such intention, and taxes shall be levied thereon thereafter and paid as
other taxes are required to be paid.
1910, ch. 341, sec. 221 (p. 688).
529. They shall also appoint a suitable person to be Street Commis-
sioner in said city and fix his compensation, whose duty it shall be to
superintend the grading, paving, repairing, keeping in order and opening
of streets, lanes and alleys in said city, and the removing of obstructions
therefrom; to take care of and preserve the public squares and property
and preserve the health and well-being of the inhabitants of the city, he
being hereby given all the police powers of constables of this State. He
shall perform all other appropriate duties prescribed by the Mayor and
Common Council, and give bond in such penalty and in such manner
as may be prescribed by them.
1910, ch. 341, sec. 222 (p. 688).
530. The Mayor and Common Council shall meet on the first Monday
of each month, at such hour as shall be fixed by the Common Council, and
at such other times as they shall adjourn to; special meetings may be called
at any time by the Mayor. They shall elect one of their number President,
who, during the absence, sickness or disability of the Mayor, shall be
clothed with all his power and authority:; and in event of the death, resigna-
tion or disqualification of the Mayor, he shall serve as Mayor for the unex-
pired term, receiving the salary of the Mayor, with all his power and au-
thority; at any meeting which the President fails to attend, a President
pro tem shall be elected. Three members of the Council shall constitute
a quorum for the transaction of business, and the Council shall pass rules
and by-laws for their own government while in session, and all by-laws and
ordinances for the government of the city. The Mayor of said city, in
case he disapproves of any ordinance passed by the Common Council, may
refuse to sign the same, and shall return it to the Common Council at its
next meeting, with his reasons for withholding his signature therefrom;