1910, ch. 341, sec. 218 (p. 686).
526. All officers of said city, except the Mayor, before they enter upon
the duties of their respective offices, shall make oath before a justice of the
peace for Carroll County that they will act faithfully, without favor,
partiality or prejudice, in all things appertaining to their respective
offices; the Mayor shall qualify as directed by Section Y of Article 70 of
the Code of Public General Laws, title "Official Oaths," before the Clerk
of the Circuit Court for Carroll County; and a failure to take such oath
and to qualify within two weeks after their election shall be deemed a
refusal on the part of the party failing to accept the office to which he
has been elected. The Common Council shall be judges of the qualifica-
tions of the Mayor and of their own members.
1910, ch. 341, sec. 219 (p. 687).
527. The Mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the Common
Council, may appoint a bailiff or bailiffs, not exceeding three, who, within
the limits of said city and beyond them within one-half mile thereof, shall
have all the police powers of constables of the State of Maryland; and it
shall be their duty to enforce the by-laws and ordinances of the city and
the laws of the State of Maryland relating to crimes and misdemeanors
committed within it. Special bailiffs may also be appointed by the Mayor,
or, in his absence, by the President of the Council, whenever the exigency
of the occasion requires it, their duties and powers being similar to the
regular bailiff. The regular bailiff or bailiffs shall give bond, with se-
curity and in such penalty as shall be prescribed by ordinance, said bonds
to be approved by the Mayor.
1910, ch. 341, sec, 220 (p. 687).
528. The Mayor and Common Council may provide by ordinance for
the appointment of a clerk, and one or more collectors of tax, may pre-
scribe his or their duties, the character and amount of penalty of the
bond, which said collector or collectors shall give for the faithful perform-
ance of their duties, and fix his or their compensation; and may provide
for the prompt payment of the taxes hereinafter authorized to be levied,
and to enforce by distress and sale the payment of the said taxes, after
such time as may be fixed by ordinance for the payment thereof, upon
giving ten days' notice by handbills of such sale. The personal property
of the delinquent may be seized by any constable of Carroll County or
bailiff of the town upon the written direction of the collector, the pro-
ceedings had being similar to those employed for distress for rent, and
the same charges may be collected as in distraint proceedings, as well as an
additional fee of one dollar for the collector. In event real estate is seized