and if the said ordinance, when again put upon its passage, shall receive
the votes of four-fifths of the members of said Common Council, it shall
become a valid ordinance without the signature of said Mayor. All ordi-
nances, when passed, shall be printed and posted in at least ten public
places in Westminster, and shall be recorded in a book provided for that
purpose. And the Mayor and Common Council are authorized and di-
rected and are given full power and authority to provide for the revision
and codification of all its ordinances heretofore passed or which may here-
after be passed, and to provide for the payment of the same, and to by
ordinance approve and adopt said revision and codification as a whole,
as and for the ordinances then existing and in force in the town of West-
minster. And said ordinances, so revised and codified, when adopted and
approved by the Mayor and Common Council, shall be evidence of said
ordinances in any court of this State, or before any justice of the peace, and
a printed copy thereof, published by the authority of the Mayor and Com-
mon Council, shall be received in evidence and have the same force and
validity as the original. All ordinances passed before or after the adoption
of such codification may also be proven by either the original or the record
thereof in the book provided by the Mayor and Common Council for-
recording them.
1910, ch. 341, sec. 223 (p. 689).
531. The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster shall have
power to purchase and hold real, personal and mixed property for the use
and benefit of said corporation, or the recreation, entertainment and amuse-
ment of its citizens, and may convey and dispose of the same or any part
thereof, and to receive property by gift, devise or deed, in trust, for any
municipal object. They shall have power to pass ordinances and by-laws
to prevent and remove nuisances and obstructions from the streets, lanes
and alleys, and from lots adjoining streets, lanes and alleys, and from any
other place within the limits of said city, and regulate and prohibit the
excavation and opening of streets and alleys, and any work or anything
being done therein or thereon; restrain all disorders, annoyances, disor-
derly conduct and drunkenness; suppress street walkers, bawdy houses and
prevent gambling; prevent the firing of cannons- guns, pistols, firecrackers,
fireworks or other explosives within the corporate limits; suppress fires,
and prevent the danger thereof; establish or aid and assist the maintenance
of a fire department; make or cause to be made and repaired, all necessary
drains, sewers, culverts and bridges; direct in what part of the city wooden
buildings may be erected; establish building lines on any of the streets and
alleys of said town, beyond which no structure cau be erected; prevent and
regulate the storage of gunpowder, oil or other combustible matter in such
quantities and in such places as they may deem proper; regulate the speed
of horses, vehicles, motor cycles, automobiles, cars and locomotives in the
city limits; regulate the maintenance of proper safety appliances by rail-
roads at street crossings and the stopping of trains thereon; provide for the