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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1898   View pdf image (33K)
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1898 ARTICLE 7.

or any justice of the peace residing within the corporate limits of the
said town, and may be collected by judgment and execution, in the same
manner, and with the same fees to the officers as provided for in the case
of small debts, to be paid and applied to and for the benefit of the said
town; and if the offense shall have been a breach of the peace, or disturb-
ing the, quiet and good order of the town by any riotous, immoral or ob-
scene conduct, or violating any of the ordinances intended to secure the
safety of the lives or property of any of the inhabitants of the town, the
person so convicted may, in addition thereto, be committed to the Carroll
County Jail, or some appropriate place of confinement within the limits
of the town, by the said burgess or justice until the fine and costs are
paid, but not exceeding ten days for any one offense; and the person so
committed may be discharged after forty-eight hours' imprisonment, from
the time of his commitment, upon satisfactory proof, under oath, before
the said burgess or justice of the peace, that the said person so committed
is wholly unable to pay the said fine and costs; and if the person so con-
victed as aforesaid shall be a minor, the same proceedings in every respect
shall be had against the parent or guardian, or other person in whose cus-
tody or under whose control the said minor may be, or is or ought to be;
and any party convicted under any of the preceding sections shall have
the right to appeal to the next term of the Circuit Court for Carroll Coun-
ty, upon giving bond forthwith to prosecute said appeal, or bail for his
appearance in person, at said term of the Circuit Court.


P. L. L., 1888, Art. 7, sec. 214. 1860, Art. 7, sec. 95. 1910, ch. 341, sec. 214 (p. 683).

522. The inhabitants of Westminster, in Carroll County, are hereby
declared to be a body corporate, by the name of "The Mayor and Common
Council of Westminster," and by that name shall have perpetual succes-
sion, may sue and be sued, have and use a common seal, which may be
altered at pleasure, and have and possess all powers incident to municipal
corporations, as well as those hereinafter particularly enumerated.


1910, ch. 341, sec. 215 (p. 684).

523. The limits of the City of Westminster, as surveyed in 1896, are
as follows: Beginning on the southwest at a stone marked "B. E. G.,"
planted on the bank of the Baltimore and Reisterstown turnpike on the
line formerly a boundary between Baltimore and Frederick Counties, and
running northeasterly at a right angle with said turnpike four hundred

*Ch. 281, 1910 (p. 701), authorized Westminster to issue $25,000 of bonds for
paying indebtedness and for paving and to levy taxes to pay interest on and to
redeem said bonds. Ch. 132, 1927, authorized $75,000 of paving bonds, etc., and
the levying of taxes to pay interest on and to redeem said bonds.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1898   View pdf image (33K)
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