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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1899   View pdf image (33K)
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yards to a marble stone; thence running parallel with the course of said
turnpike four hundred yards therefrom north 35 1/4 degrees, west 720 feet,
north 34 3/4 degrees, west 370 feet; then with a continuous straight line
paiallel with the said turnpike, north 33 1/2 degrees, west until it reaches a
point at the end of 400 yards, measured from the southwest edge of that
point on said turnpike road now known as the intersection of Pennsylvania
Avenue with Main Street, in the city of Westminster; then with a continu-
ous straight line running parallel with that part of said turnpike known as
Pennsylvania Avenue, north 3 degrees east until it intersects a line on
which the late Adam Gilbert's land bounded, said intersection being at a
point near to a tree and in the public road leading to Bish's mill; then
north 87 3/4 degrees west 400 yards to the southwest side of said turnpike
road; then north 87 3/4 degrees, west 6 4/10 perches to a stone, south 29
degrees west 40 perches to a stone, south 7 1/2 degrees east 31 2/10 perches
to a stone, north 57 degrees west 11 8/10 perches to a stone, south 47 de-
grees west 108 1/2 perches to a point on the southwest edge of the turnpike
road leading from Westminster to Uniontown; thence south 47 degrees
west 400 yards; then running parallel with the last mentioned turnpike
road the three following courses, to correspond with the curvature of the
frame; south 73 degrees east 618 feet, south 63 degrees east 160 feet, south
52 degrees east until it reaches a point at the end of 400 yards, measured at
right angles from said last mentioned turnpike road (it being the southwest
edge of Main Street); then with one continuous straight line, parallel
with both the hereinbefore mentioned turnpike roads, south 33 1/2 degrees
east until it reaches a point near to Frizzell's, now Oursler's brick yard,
and at the end of 400 yards, measured at right angles from the southwest
edge of the said Baltimore and Reisterstown turnpike; then still running
parallel with said last mentioned turnpike road the two following courses,
to correspond with the curvature of the same, south 34 3/4 degrees east 370
feet, south 35 1/4 degrees east 1,466 feet to a stone on the line between
Baltimore County and Frederick County (originally), then with the same,
allowing for variation, north 22 5/8 degrees east to the place of beginning.


1910, ch. 341, sec. 216 (p. 685).

524. The government of the city shall be vested in and enforced by
a Mayor and a Common Council of five members, who shall be elected by
the inhabitants of the city qualified to vote for delegates to the General
Assembly. The Mayor shall be at least twenty-five years of age and a
payer of taxes on the assessed value of at least one thousand dollars' worth
of property subject to municipal taxation; the members of the Common
Council shall be at least twenty-one years of age and payers of taxes upon
the assessed value of at least five hundred dollars' worth of property subject
to municipal taxation; and the Mayor shall have resided at least two years
and the members of the Council at least one year within said city. At
the election to be held in May, 1910, the Mayor and the two members of the


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1899   View pdf image (33K)
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