paid, and may distrain therefor as aforesaid, at any time after sixty days
thereafter, if not paid; and the said treasurer shall keep an accurate
account of the receipts and disbursements of the funds of the corporation
in a well bound book, and shall pay out the same only on the order of
the Burgess, or in his absence, of three of the Commissioners, and coun-
tersigned by the clerk, and shall annually report by a written or printed
statement in detail to the Burgess and Commissioners, showing the con-
dition of the finances of the said corporation, giving the several sums
received and expended, and from whom received, and for what account,
and for what particular purpose expended, and to whom paid; and the
Burgess and Commissioners shall require the said treasurer to enter into
bond, with approved security, for the true and faithful performance of
his duties as such, which bond shall be liable as collectors' bonds are under
the laws of this State.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 7, sec. 209. 1876, ch. 303.
517. They shall annually appoint a bailiff whose duty it shall be to
preserve the peace and good order of the town, and for this purpose the
said bailiff is invested with the same power and authority that constables
have under the laws of this State; and the said bailiff shall enter into
bond, with approved security, for the true and faithful performance of
his duty as bailiff, which bond shall be liable as constables' bonds are
under the laws of this State.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 7, sec. 210. 1876, ch. 303.
518. Three of said Commissioners, or the Burgess and two of said
Commissioners, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business,
but no ordinance shall be enforced unless the same shall have been passed
by three affirmative votes; and a neglect or nonuse shall not work a for-
feiture of this subtitle of this Article.
P. L. L., 1888, Art 7, sec. 211. 1876, ch. 303.
519. The Burgess shall receive as salary ten dollars per annum, and
the Commissioners five dollars each per annum; and may allow and pay
such compensation to the clerk, treasurer and bailiff as may be deemed
just and equitable by them.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 7, sec. 212. 1876, ch. 303.
520. The Burgess and Commissioners may impose such fines, penal-
ties and forfeitures for breach of the laws and ordinances as they may
think proper, not exceeding the sum of ten dollars for any one offense;
and may pass all laws and ordinances necessary to give effect and opera-
tion to the powers vested in them.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 7, sec 213. 1876, ch. 303.
521. All fines, penalties and forfeitures imposed by the ordinances of
the said Burgess and Commissioners shall be recovered before the Burgess